I am sick over this!!!
As you can see the only freedom that will be left of the freedom to do evil
And the Freedom to “RESIGN IN PROTEST”.
Lisa, although this evil Bill might get a small majority in the Senate (those lovely RINO Pro-Abortion Republicians who made the “DEAL”!), I doubt it would ever get anything like that in the House.
Even if it passed, President Bush would Veto it. That’s why the LIBERALS and the PRO-ABORTIONISTS hate him so much!
The fact that the MSM is hyping it and wants it passed should tell us all we need to know about the REAL BIAS of the MSM!
Remembr, that used to be how all of us got our news, information and opinion. With Talk Radio and the Internet, that’s not the case anymore, and that’s why the LIBERALS want to reimpose “The Fairness Doctrine”.
This should tell anyone who’s listening who the REAL ENEMIES OF FREEDOM AND LIFE ARE!
You know, I would so love to have a LIBERAL politician prove me wrong by standing up for the UNBORN and taking the HEAT from his or her fellow DEMOCRATS. It would do my heart good to have a LBERAL politician stand to NARAL and Planned Parenthood and tell them, “Thanks, but I don’t need your blood money.”
That would be the day, but i’m not holding my breath!
Blessed are they who act to save God’s Little Ones. Michael