Please read Marilyn Shannon’s book, “Fertility, Cycles and Nutrition” available from <> for tips about what to do to improve your energy and decrease bleeding.
She mentions taking chloropyll tablets and cayenne pepper capsules for super heavy bleeding. They will provide immediate relief and are not harmful. Iron in large amounts is dangerous for the liver. If your liver goes, you go too. You need to look at your nutrition for long term health and relief, but the above chloropyll and cayenne will fo the job!
Please don’t take the pill! Is there a package insert which lists the side effects? Read them and it may be that they only have an abbreviated list of side-effects and you may have to go on-line to find them all for the particular brand you were prescribed. I read that the side-effect list which used to be printed on an 8 1/2 sheet of paper printed on both sides in f- -i-n-e print was no longer put in the BCP packages since it was such bad news. It might actually cause a woman to reconsider taking the pill after reading through them.
Dr. Hillabrand, MD, now deceased used to go around and testify in court for the poor women left dead, disabled or wheel-chair-bound about how the pill ‘works’. I heard him personally at a CCL convention explain it. The body continually and continually tries to secret the hormones from the pill. It puts a severe strain on the liver since that is the organ which cleans the blood. It is so obviously bad for a woman that no matter if your bleeding were so severe, the pill certainly doesn’t help at all. It actively exacerbates your health problems while stopping your periods altogether. The bleeding experienced while on the pill is not that of a period. It also should cause one to be wary of anything which causes a major process of your body to shut down. That cannot be healthful short or long-term.
The secretion of BCP hrmones in the urine is causing environmental pollution and is even getting into public drinking water because it can’t be completely eliminated by filtering used at the water treatment facilites. Now you certainly wouldn’t crumble up the BCP pills and mix them into the soil of your vegetable garden and then eat the vegetables grown in it and feed them to your family? So why would any woman want to add BDPs to their own body which is more precious than garden soil?