birth control

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I know that using any form of birth control is considered wrong, but if I choose to continue using birth control will I still be able to receive the eucharist? Will I need to go to confession everytime before receiving the eucharist?
I know that using any form of birth control is considered wrong, but if I choose to continue using birth control will I still be able to receive the eucharist? Will I need to go to confession everytime before receiving the eucharist?
The use of artificial contraception is wrong. One would need to confess only once, and then stop using it. There is no point in continuing to take it after one goes to confession. In order to receive absolution for one’s sins, one must be truly repentant. If one were to go to confession, but continue to use artificial contraception, that says that one doesn’t really care. Of course, if this situation involves you, you really would do best to consult your priest. We just know you over the internet, and cannot know your specific circumstances.
I don’t know what to do. I will be baptized into the Catholic church this Easter andI know that I will be cleansed of all my sins. My main concern is that I’m currently using IUD ( a form of contraceptive) and i am having a very difficult time deciding what to do. We have 2 beautiful sons and at this time we’re content with just having 2 children. I do want to enter the church wholeheartedly and sinless but if I don’t have the IUD removed will I be entering the church a sinner? Will I be able to receive my first communion? I have heard of NFP but i’m a littlye skeptical. My current form of birth control works for our marriage right now so why change? What’s the big deal? Please help me come to a decision. I have less than 3 weeks.
Well I haven’t been faced with birth control, but I can empathize with you, because I have had decisions concerning my faith like this that seemed impossible. All I can say is pray, pray, and pray some more. Be sure and tell God exactly how you feel, but be open to whatever he has to say to you. I honestly don’t know anything about contraception, at least not enough to be of much more help to you. I strongly suggest you talk to your priest about this, and maybe research it more yourself. It is only possible to provide so much help/counseling over the internet, because we really know so little about you. I will certainly keep you in my prayers. If nothing else, rejoice and be thankful to the Lord that you have found Him in his true Church, and that you are struggling to follow him. Christ’s peace be with you!
I know that using any form of birth control is considered wrong, but if I choose to continue using birth control will I still be able to receive the eucharist? Will I need to go to confession everytime before receiving the eucharist?
Birth control is not just “considered” wrong, it is wrong; a good understanding of the whole spectrum of human life and sexuality from the Catholic-natural law perspective will help you to understand it in a way that will make it not only easy but a positive joy to accept.

I recommend Christopher West’s book Good News about Sex and Marriage for starters.

If you have been contracepting, you must not just confess it but repent of it and be firmly resolved not to do it again before receiving the Eucharist.

Confession is a sacrament of healing; not a pass card to continue in an unrepentant life of sin.

May God reward your search for his beautiful truth on this fundamental matter.
Please read the Catholic Church’s teachings on marriage and children and how beautiful God’s plan is for those called to marriage. The teachings against contraception make so much sense, and the birth control pill can even result in abortions without the parents knowing! People should not separate the marriage act from children, which is what our culture says today. The marriage act should always be open to life and open to God. This is the way to have a wonderful marriage. And Natural Family planning is a very effective way to still be open to God in every marriage act but still space your children for just reasons. NFP can be, when used correctly 99.5% effective in postponing a pregnancy and is very effective also in achieving a pregnancy when the couple chooses. Also NFP has an extremely high success rate in helping couples with fertility problems achieve a pregnancy. This seems the way God made our bodies because the woman is only fertile a few days out of the month. I really really recommend you read the Good News about Sex and Marriage by Christopher West. It explains this topic very clearly. Also I would recommend you contact your nearest NFP center and start taking a class. I love being Catholic and one of the teachings that I love the most and think is the most beautiful is the Church’s teaching on Marriage and the family. It truly is beautiful; you really should learn more about it. God bless you and I really hope you look into this, I think you will come around and see how wonderful the Church’s teachings are.

I believe that until you change your beliefs and practices on birth control you should not be receiving communion. I would recommend you spend a week or so really diving in to research about these teachings and about the different methods of NFP and hopefully this will change your mind and practices and then go to confession and receive Jesus in the Eucharist! 🙂 The grace you receive in these sacraments will give you strength and help you as you transfer to NFP a method that is always open to life and to God. 😃
Please read the Catholic Church’s teachings on marriage and children and how beautiful God’s plan is for those called to marriage. The teachings against contraception make so much sense, and the birth control pill can even result in abortions without the parents knowing! People should not separate the marriage act from children, which is what our culture says today. The marriage act should always be open to life and open to God. This is the way to have a wonderful marriage. And Natural Family planning is a very effective way to still be open to God in every marriage act but still space your children for just reasons. NFP can be, when used correctly 99.5% effective in postponing a pregnancy and is very effective also in achieving a pregnancy when the couple chooses. Also NFP has an extremely high success rate in helping couples with fertility problems achieve a pregnancy. This seems the way God made our bodies because the woman is only fertile a few days out of the month. I really really recommend you read the Good News about Sex and Marriage by Christopher West. It explains this topic very clearly. Also I would recommend you contact your nearest NFP center and start taking a class. I love being Catholic and one of the teachings that I love the most and think is the most beautiful is the Church’s teaching on Marriage and the family. It truly is beautiful; you really should learn more about it. God bless you and I really hope you look into this, I think you will come around and see how wonderful the Church’s teachings are.

I believe that until you change your beliefs and practices on birth control you should not be receiving communion. I would recommend you spend a week or so really diving in to research about these teachings and about the different methods of NFP and hopefully this will change your mind and practices and then go to confession and receive Jesus in the Eucharist! 🙂 The grace you receive in these sacraments will give you strength and help you as you transfer to NFP a method that is always open to life and to God. 😃
Confessing a sin in which you have no intention of discontinuing makes the confession invalid. Until you discontinue the use of birthcontrol you must refrain from receiving communion (unless you are prescribed the pill for a medical condition and not for preventing birth.)
I know that using any form of birth control is considered wrong, but if I choose to continue using birth control will I still be able to receive the eucharist?
Contraception is mortally sinful when done with full knowledge. One may not receive the Eucharist when in a state of mortal sin. So, if one is contracepting when one knows it is wrong to do so, no you should NOT receive the Eucharist.
Will I need to go to confession everytime before receiving the eucharist?

There are several elements to the Sacrament of Reconciliation which include contrition (being SORRY for committing the sin) and firm ammendment of purpose (a resolve not to commit that sin again).

You cannot properly receive Reconciliation if you are not sorry and don’t intend to STOP using contraception.

More to the point, why are you using contraception when you know it to be wrong? If your faith life is that important to you, and it seems it is, then stop using contraception and embrace the church’s teaching. Then, there is no impediment to the Eucharist.
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