**I just wanted to ask for prayers since i have decided it’s time I start looking for my birthmother…She had me when she was 12 or 13, so i think it may be a fruitless search…but i have left it in one of my favorite patron saints hands St. Anthony.
Already i am facing certain frustations such as Texas not releasing my original birth certificate unless its court ordered. Since i was adopted through Catholic Charities I will also have to meet with a counselor who (once i receive any non identifying info) will ascertain whether i am “mentally and emotionally” capable of handling the situation…and allowing the search to continue!
So please just keep me in your prayers or if you’ve gone through a similar experience i would appreciate hearing about it if you feel you can share…thanks

Yes, St. Anthony and our Blessed Mother! Start a novena of daily rosaries for help and just put it all in God’s capable hands.
I am a birthmother who has been reunited with my birthson for 4 yrs (this June). He searched for me, and even though it was a closed adoption
(1975), he found me with the help of a mediator through the adoption agency I used.
I would encourage you to pray and consider using a mediation service.
I had wanted to started a daily rosary for a couple of yrs, and then started to in 2002. A lot has happened since then, including my dh’s conversion…
In 2002 (Aug) I started a 27 day novena for my children’s souls. During that prayer intention, I was only thinking of the 3 sons I had with my dh, but God, in His generosity included my birthson, I am sure. I found out in Jan. '03 that my birthson had written his 1st letter to me in Oct '02, just a little after I’d finished the novena! He’d started searching way before that. And, as it turned out, the timing was perfect. My 3 sons were old enough to understand and accept the situation (I’d never told them about my b’son.) The reunion was brought about 1st through handwritten letters with my identity protected - always - and went through the mediator. I rec’d the 1st notice from the mediator Dec. 18, '02.
The next month we emailed, msgs still going through the mediator. Although I always trusted D’s (my b’son) intentions, my dh helped keep me grounded - I was quite emotional as you might imagine! He urged me to coninue cautiously, and I’m glad I did.
The following month we arranged a phone call - that was really a great day! We talked weekly for hours and got to know and trust each other. The reunion was planned for June. My oldest son was in the Navy, stationed in Sicily, and didn’t know if he’d get leave at that time, but it turned out he was able to be here and meet D.! There were so many things that timed out so well that I am sure it was God’s will for this to happen.
The only thing that was disheartening was that D’s a-mom wanted no part of the reunion. [Since then, I have been praying for her; she has come down with lung cancer and I’d enrolled her in some novena masses. She acknowledged them with a nice thank you note. I am encouraged we will some day meet. Thank you St. Therese!]
I hope and pray you will someday get to know your b’mom, Maria, and will pray for the timing to be right. Patience, patience!
You might also want to get Patricia Dischler’s book, Because I Loved You.
Her story is about open adoption, but it sounds like a wonderful story.
Please PM or email me if you’d like to discuss further!
God Bless,