I hope it does not come to that. If so, I think there will be heck almost types the other “h” word ) to pay.
PFBishop: “Children will have to be taught about homosexual acts in health class"
By Hilary White
ST. PAUL/MINNEAPOLIS, November 7, 2005 (LifeSiteNews.com) - This week, Bishop Fred Henry of Calgary will give a talk to a group of Christian pastors in Eden Prairie Minnesota, on the ramifications of the Canadian redefinition of marriage. Henry spoke to a local reporter yesterday saying that the passage of the same-sex “marriage” law has triggered a social revolution in Canada.
In the last two years, Bishop Henry has endeared himself to family advocates in Canada as the only member of the Canadian Catholic hierarchy to be so outspoken in his opposition to the homosexual political agenda as to risk prosecution. His courage has attracted attention in the United States where laws legalizing same-sex unions are pending in many jurisdictions and the fight to preserve marriage is often being more agressively carried on by Christians, church leaders and others than it has been so far in “nice” Canada.
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