Bishop uses weapons of spiritual mass destruction against US troops.

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Bishop Botean of Canton Ohio uses weapons of spiritual mass destruction against US troops.

Adolph Hitler committed the gravest evil against humanity in human history through Germanies evil unjust second world war atrocities. Pope Benedict participated in Hitler’s evil aggression. Pope Pious XII never used the spiritual weapon of mass destruction of binding Pope Benedict’s, and other Germans and Itallians, conscience for following Hitler which would damn Pope Benedicts, and other Germans and Italians, souls to spiritual eternal death.

Bishop Botean in Canton Ohio has used, or claims to have used, the Christ given keys to the Kingdom to bind US troops souls, in his dioseas, to eternal death for participation in the Iraq war. Bishop Botean of CantonOhio

"Because such a moment of moral crisis has arisen for us, beloved Romanian Catholics, I must now speak to you as your bishop. Please be aware that I am not speaking to you as a theologian or as a private Christian voicing his opinion, nor by any means am I speaking to you as a political partisan. I am speaking to you solely as your bishop with the authority and responsibility I, though a sinner, have been given as a successor to the apostles on your behalf. I am speaking to you from the deepest chambers of my conscience as your bishop, appointed by Jesus Christ in his Body, the Church, to help shepherd you to sanctity and to heaven. Never before have I spoken to you in this manner, explicitly exercising the fullness of authority Jesus Christ has given his Apostles “to bind and to loose,” (cf. John 20:23), but now “the love of Christ compels” me to do so (2 Corinthians 5:14). My love for you makes it a moral imperative that I not allow you, by my silence, to fall into grave evil and its incalculable temporal and eternal consequences…

Therefore I, by the grace of God and the favor of the Apostolic See Bishop of the Eparchy of St. George in Canton, must declare to you, my people, for the sake of your salvation as well as my own, that any direct participation and support of this war against the people of Iraq is objectively grave evil, a matter of mortal sin. Beyond a reasonable doubt this war is morally incompatible with the Person and Way of Jesus Christ. With moral certainty I say to you it does not meet even the minimal standards of the Catholic just war theory."

We must not let this grave spiritual atrocity, commited by bishop Botean, befall our gallant American troops fighting in Iraq to bring justice, safety and peace to our world.
I am not sure there is anything we can do to a Bishop that would change such an action…he does carry apostolic authority–God will have to judge, as usual.
The troops are safe… The war is not against the people of Iraq. Has he spent the last few years under a buttercup?

Lisa N
I am not sure there is anything we can do to a Bishop that would change such an action…he does carry apostolic authority–God will have to judge, as usual.
Hello TPCatholic,

Can God just judge mankind according to His own decisions regardless of Jesus sworn oath to the Apostles to bind and loost sins in heaven according to Apostolic proclamations on earth?

**NAB JOH 20:20 **

At the sight of the Lord the disciples rejoiced. “Peace be with you,” he said again. “As the Father has sent me, so I send you.” Then he breathed on them and said: “Recieve the Holy Spirit. If you forgive men’s sins, they are forgiven them; if you hold them bound, they are held bound.” NAB MAT 5:22

What I say to you is: everyone who grows angry with his brother shall be liable to judgement; any man who uses abusive language toward his brother shall be** answerable to the Sanhedrin,** and if he holds him in contempt he risks the fires of Gehenna. **NAB MAT 18:17 **

“If he ignores them, refer it to the church . If he ignores even the church, then treat him as you would a Gentile or a tax collector. I assure you, whatever you declare bound on earth shall be held bound in heaven, and whatever you declare loosed on earth shall be held loosed in heaven.”
Bishop John Michael, as he is a Byzantine Eparch, specifically he is Bishop of the Eparchy of Saint George’s in Canton (Romanian).

We Byzantines address our bishops, priests, and deacons by their first names. In this case we add the Michael becuase there seems to be a lot of Byzantine Bishop Johns.

Bishop John said,
Therefore I, by the grace of God and the favor of the Apostolic See Bishop of the Eparchy of St. George in Canton, must declare to you, my people, for the sake of your salvation as well as my own, that any direct participation and support of this war against the people of Iraq is objectively grave evil, a matter of mortal sin.
A couple of comments.

This is only binding up the Romanian Catholics of his Eparchy.

This war is not against the people of Iraq.

Any person who is in the military is a subject of the Military Archdiocese, not his Eparchy. So when a reservist is activated, or a national guard member is nationalized, he becames a subject of the Militray Archdiocese and ceases to be part of the Romanian Eparchy.

So I wouldn’t sweat it much.
Lisa N:
The troops are safe… The war is not against the people of Iraq. Has he spent the last few years under a buttercup?
Well, the letter is two years old…
Well, the letter is two years old…
Hello Benedictus,

So now that the world and Bishop Botean can see clearly now, two years later, has he retracted this use of spiritually deadly weapons against our troops?
Bishop John Michael, as he is a Byzantine Eparch, specifically he is Bishop of the Eparchy of Saint George’s in Canton (Romanian).

We Byzantines address our bishops, priests, and deacons by their first names. In this case we add the Michael becuase there seems to be a lot of Byzantine Bishop Johns.

Bishop John said,

A couple of comments.

This is only binding up the Romanian Catholics of his Eparchy.

This war is not against the people of Iraq.

Any person who is in the military is a subject of the Military Archdiocese, not his Eparchy. So when a reservist is activated, or a national guard member is nationalized, he becames a subject of the Militray Archdiocese and ceases to be part of the Romanian Eparchy.

So I wouldn’t sweat it much.
Hello ByzCath,

So is Bishop John Micheal still using Apostolic powers to spiritually put to death those Ohioans under his Eparchy who stand behind and support our miltary forces liberating and protecting the people of Iraq?
Steven Merten:
Hello ByzCath,

So is Bishop John Micheal still using Apostolic powers to spiritually put to death those Ohioans under his Eparchy who stand behind and support our miltary forces liberating and protecting the people of Iraq?
Just so you know, his Eparchy while based in Canton, Ohio, covers the whole USA. It is for all Romanian Catholics. That being said, it only has 15 Parishes and 4 Missions, in 7 States and 2 Commonwealths with 16 priests. The website says 11 priests and 5 associated clergy. My guess is that these associated clergy are priests from other dioceses/eparchies that have bi-ritual faculties. Also only has 4 deacons, 2 subdeacons, 1 reader and 1 seminarian. This is according to its website.

So this Eparchy is very small.

I would say, as he is the bishop, that yes, if people are his subjects and they support the war against the people of Iraq then they are guilty of mortal sin and must repent but as has been stated already, this war is not against the people of Iraq.

Also this letter is from the start of the War, over two years ago, has he said anything recently on this subject?

I could not find this letter from the Bishop on their website.
Just so you know, his Eparchy while based in Canton, Ohio, covers the whole USA. It is for all Romanian Catholics. That being said, it only has 15 Parishes and 4 Missions, in 7 States and 2 Commonwealths with 16 priests. The website says 11 priests and 5 associated clergy. My guess is that these associated clergy are priests from other dioceses/eparchies that have bi-ritual faculties. Also only has 4 deacons, 2 subdeacons, 1 reader and 1 seminarian. This is according to its website.

So this Eparchy is very small.

I would say, as he is the bishop, that yes, if people are his subjects and they support the war against the people of Iraq then they are guilty of mortal sin and must repent but as has been stated already, this war is not against the people of Iraq.

Also this letter is from the start of the War, over two years ago, has he said anything recently on this subject?

I could not find this letter from the Bishop on their website.
Hello ByzCath,

If only one Catholic were to spend eternity in hell due to Bishop Botean’s misuse of Apostolic powers, this would equate to an infinitly greater amount of death than the combine years of physical life cut short from all the wars in human history. Do we agree? Though his dioseas may be small, the weapon he claims to be wielding is more deadly than all the physical military might on earth. Even one spiritual death caused by the misuse of Apostolic powers is far greater than all the missuses of physical military powers for the whole of time.

I agree with you that the war in Iraq is to protect and liberate the people of Iraq. The Iraqie government wants the US and our allies there as their allies to protect the Iraqie people.

What I am afraid of is this “set it and forget it” use of Apostolic powers which effect peoples eternal lives. If we had a nuclear weapon set on automatic destruction of physical lives back in the 1940s which was still killing people today, we should see that it gets turned off. Bishop Botean has set a spiritually deadly weapon on automatic destruction of souls, which is far deadlier than a nuclear weapon, and we should see that it gets truned off. Do you agree?
I agree with you and I thank God that I am not a Romanian Catholic because if I was I would move for a Change of Churches immediatly and if I was turned down I would have to 'dox.

'dox is slang for what one does when they leave the Catholic Church for one of the Orthodox Churches.
I agree with you and I thank God that I am not a Romanian Catholic because if I was I would move for a Change of Churches immediatly and if I was turned down I would have to 'dox.

'dox is slang for what one does when they leave the Catholic Church for one of the Orthodox Churches.
Peace in Christ ByzCath.
In a similiar “set it and forget it” abuse of Apostolic Powers, has Cardinal Bernard Law’s abuse of Apostolic Powers been reversed? I know that the Church wanted to display their forgiveness to Cardinal Bernard Law by having him preside over Pope John Paul II funeral, but have they demanded reversal of Law’s abuses of Apostolic Powers that Law appears to have committed against the Boston Globe personel? Bernard Law did not state that he was enacting Apostolic Powers to punish Boston Globe personel for exposing his evil, but he ceritianly implied that was what he was doing. Bernard Law stated, “By all means we call down God’s power on the media…”

More important than displaying Church forgiveness to an evil Cardinal, it is far more important to reverse any unjust spiritual destruction they may have inflicted through the abuse of Apostolic Powers. If the world all now see Bernard law as repentant but Boston Globe personel go to hell due to the Cardinals abuse of Apostolic Powers, have not Church leaders committed a grave injustice?

Bernard Law,

“We call down God’s power on our business leaders and the political leaders and community leaders. By all means we call down God’s power on the media, particularly the Globe,” Law was reported as saying in an angry outburst during — of all things — an antiviolence march.

quoted from
Based upon this report, it appears that this bishop is acting remarkedly not unlike an idiot.

Have a nice day.
Based upon this report, it appears that this bishop is acting remarkedly not unlike an idiot.

Have a nice day.
The part I find most troubling is, “any direct participation and support of this war against the people of Iraq is objectively grave evil, a matter of mortal sin.”

How can he say that any surface measure of a man constitutes mortal sin? Don’t the conditions for mortal sin include things the Cardinal cannot objectively say about millions of people he doesn’t even know – such as fully informed conscience and intent and stuff like that?

Gosh I’m a theological infant but as I understood it, mortal sin is not something you can objectively “observe” in the individual consciousnesses of entire classes of people.

Bishops who don’t even know me but tell me that I’m committing a mortal sin because of my political opinions scare me. Good thing this guy isn’t armed with physical WMD’s. God Bless the separation of Church and State. If this guy were in government we could vote him out or pressure other elected officials to get rid of him. Stick to feeding sheep and not juding them en masse.

Lisa N:
The troops are safe… The war is not against the people of Iraq. Has he spent the last few years under a buttercup?

Lisa N/QUO Who is this fruitcake? He cannot say that anybody that doesn’t believe the same as he does about the war, is committing a mortal sin? Since when was he elected Pope? He’s better stick to taking care of his diocese. I’m sure there is plenty of room for improvement.
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Please also note that the original quote posted in the initial post in this thread came from a letter written in 2003.
I don’t understand this. He says that this is the first time he has spoken in this capacity. Surely he knows of other much graver evil than the war. Why is this the first time he has done this? Wouldn’t partial birth abortion (or any number of things for that matter) be an equal evil in his eyes? He must have searched his soul before writing this. I hope he agonized over it greatly before publishing it. Although, I can’t imagine how his own viewpoint seemed to overrule his judgement on this matter. It does seem awful harsh, doesn’t it? I hope, for the sake of many, that he has retracted this statement. :gopray:
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