Refrigerator trucks are being used for the storage of bodies in New York City, hospitals in Italy were overwhelmed, countries are closing their borders - an action unprecedented in modern times - and essential medical equipment is in desperate demand. Yet, despite all of this, Life Site News’ attitude seems to be a combination of “Crisis? What crisis?” and “it’s not our problem”. Much like us, our rights do not exist in isolation from others nor are they absolute; there are times when it is necessary for a right to be curtailed in order to serve a greater good including, in particular, the well being of others. So it would be both legally and morally wrong to insist on the right to liberty of movement and association with others in a time of pandemic since to do so would risk spreading the contagion and make it harder to trace and isolate those infected. Striping (or more correctly, impeding) fundamental rights isn’t a “pretext” but a necessity, while the idea of a desire to create some sort of one world government is simply laughable tin-hat stuff.
Sadly, some people clearly have too much time on their hands and are desirous of attention through articles like this - ling on rhetoric short on accuracy. Church and civic leader alike are trying their best in extraordinarily difficult circumstances, making daily decisions which will inevitably cause considerable hardship regardless of the choice that’s made, and able to choose only the lesser evil. Those of us on the ground too are struggling to manage parish finances and exercise pastoral ministry by distance. Petitions like this are simply ivory tower stuff, blissfully ignorant of the harsh realities in the real world.