Bl. John XXIII and Vatican II

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I am getting a bit ahead of myself here, but I will likely busy tomorrow, so I am getting an early start on the celebration of an important date. Oct. 11 is the anniversary of the opening of the second Vatican council and the feast of Blessed Pope John XXIII. Because both Vatican II and Pope John were instrumental in advancing our relations with our non-Catholic brothers and sisters, I thought that it would be appropriate to post a tribute on this board.
It is the will of God, the Church’s founder, that all the sheep should eventually gather into this one fold, under the guidance of one shepherd. All God’s children are summoned to their father’s only home, and its cornerstone is Peter. All men should work together like brothers to become part of this single kingdom of God; for the citizens of that kingdom are united in peace and harmony on earth that they might enjoy eternal happiness some day in heaven. - Ad Petri Cathedram

Blessed John was born to a family of Italian peasants in 1881 at Sotto il Monte as Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli. He was ordained in 1904 and served at first as secretary to the bishop of Bergamo. During World War I he served in the medical corps and as a chaplain. He worked in Rome after the war and reorganized the Society for the Propagation of the Faith. He was consecrated an archbishop in 1925, working as a Vatican diplomatic representative to Bulgaria, then Turkey and Greece, then France. He was created Cardinal Patriarch of Venice in 1953 and finally elected pope on Oct 28, 1958.

As pope, he stressed his own pastoral duties as well as those of other bishops and clergy. He was very concerned to promote social reforms for workers, poor people, orphans, and the outcast. He advanced cooperation with other faiths and traditions including Protestant, Greek Orthodox, Church of England, and even Shinto.

On Jan, 25 1959, he announced his intent to call a council to consider ways to renew the Church in the modern world, promote diversity within the unity of the Church, and consider reforms promoted by ecumenical and liturgical movements. Convening the council, known as Vatican II, on Oct 11, 1962, was the high point of his reign.

His heartiness, his overflowing love for humanity individually and collectively, and his freshness of approach to ecclesiastical affairs made John one of the best-loved popes of modern times. Today would be an excellent day to read some of Bl. John’s work; I especially recommend the encyclical quoted at the top of this thread: Ad Petri Cathedram. It would also be a good day to pray for Bl. John’s intercession for the cause of Christian unity. Finally, as Blessed John liked to eat, I think that it would be appropriate to celebrate this feast with a big, Italian dinner. 😉

Blessed John, pray for us!
A great Pope. Aside from an intrinsic belief that I had to become a Catholic, the Catechism and the documents of Vat II convinced me of the truth.

May the Church with the help of Bl John continue to reach out to our seperated brethern, of whom I was once one.

Unlimited is the effectiveness of the God-Man’s Blood – just as unlimited as the love that impelled him to pour it out for us, first at his circumcision eight days after birth, and more profusely later on in his agony in the garden, in his scourging and crowning with thorns, in his climb to Calvary and crucifixion, and finally from out that great wide wound in his side which symbolizes the divine Blood cascading down into all the Church’s sacraments. Such sur passing love suggests, nay demands, that everyone reborn in the torrents of that Blood adore it with grateful love. - On Promoting Devotion to the Most Precious Blood

The great problem confronting the world after almost two thousand years remains unchanged. Christ is ever resplendent as the center of history and of life. Men are either with Him and His Church, and then they enjoy light, goodness, order, and peace. Or else they are without Him, or against Him, and deliberately opposed to His Church, and then they give rise to confusion, to bitterness in human relations, and to the constant danger of fratricidal wars. - Opening Address of the Second Vatican Council
Hi all!

We Jews revere the memory of the saintly Pope John XXIII, and not just for Vatican II and Nostra Aetate (

We remember his brave actions to help Jews during the Holocaust, when he served as Papal Nuncio to Turkey (see

We remember his 1960 meeting with a United Jewish Appeal Delegation, which he began by saying, “We are all sons of the Same Heavenly Father. Among us there must ever be the brightness of love and its practice. I am Joseph [Giuseppe], your brother.” We remember how he then came down from his Papal throne to sit with his visitors in an ordinary chair.

As great as he was, it appears that John XXIII never let his greatness go to his head. He remained down to eath & unpretentious, despite his greatness. That is a rare quality.

May he rest in well-deserved peace!

Be well!

ssv 👋
Yeah, TA, there are Masons everywhere. Baaaah.

Thanks for posting this, GDL. I wasn’t aware when his feast was.

Funny how everyone laughas at Masonic threats nowadays when it was a slew of about ten saintly popes who warned about Masonic plots to infultrate the Church. Funny-how come Masonic plots are never mentioned nowadays? Were the pre-conciliar popes supersitious and fanatical?

I have no doubt that Masonry is a pernicious evil against which we must all be vigilant, but you are going to be hard pressed to convince me that Bl. John XXIII harbored Masonic sympathies. The photo in #6 simply looks doctored, and besides, it is impossible to say who that kneeling man is from the profile view of him. The photo in #7 does not bear an overly-convincing resemblance to Bl. John, but even if we grant that it is him, what of it? Our Lord ate with tax-collectors and prostitutes; does that mean that our Lord was a prostitute? Mere physical proximity to Masons is scarcely indicative of Masonic conviction.

St. Gaspar del Bufalo was the great scourge of Italian Masonry. He preached devotion to the Precious Blood of Jesus as the antidote to the wicked influences of the Masons on Italian society. Bl. John XXIII encouraged this same devotion and praised the legacy of St. Gaspar.
Bl. John XXIII encouraged missionaries to spread the Catholic faith, he taught that the Catholic Church is the Body of Christ, to which all must be joined who wish to be saved and he exhorted the faithful to do penance for their sins. Are these the sorts of things that Masons do? I say truly, if this be Masonic, I would that we had more Masons! Of course, the reality is that this is not at all Masonic; Masons oppose devotion to the Precious Blood, they oppose the Social Reign of Christ the King and they oppose the Holy Sacraments of the Catholic Church, all of which Bl. John cultivated and encouraged. As such, I say judge Bl. John by his writings, not by a few grainy photos.

Blessed Pope John, pray for us!
ThomasAugustine: XXIII Pictures/JXXIIIIwithHerriotandRadicals.jpg

Another good one of him with his SOCIALIST pals: featuring his personal “confidant” Edouard Herriot and the rest of the Masonic Fourth Republic of France. A real great guy he was.
Ah, the source website reveals it is from some Sede…'s! They claim to be bendictine

It has the classic Age of your Church but with this ending

If you belong to “Pentecostal Gospel,” your religion is one of the hundreds of new sects founded by men in the last 100 years.

· If you belong to the Vatican II Church, the counterfeit Catholic Church of the last days, then your religion started in 1965 with the close of the Second Vatican Council.

· If you are a Roman Catholic, you know that your religion was founded in the year 33 by Our Lord Jesus Christ, and is the one and only true Christian Church outside of which no one at all can be saved.

So we know where your coming from now ThomasAugustine!
Ah, the source website reveals it is from some Sede…'s! They claim to be bendictine

So we know where your coming from now ThomasAugustine!
To be very fair, JGC, this is a non-sequitur. I also linked to a sedevacantist site in my defense of Bl. John, but I am quite certain that John Paul II is the lawful Pontiff. Just because one references a sedevacantist does not mean that one is a sedevacantist. Jay may well be a schismatic for all that I know, but this is not a convincing argument for his schismatic status.
To be very fair, JGC, this is a non-sequitur. I also linked to a sedevacantist site in my defense of Bl. John, but I am quite certain that John Paul II is the lawful Pontiff. Just because one references a sedevacantist does not mean that one is a sedevacantist. Jay may well be a schismatic for all that I know, but this is not a convincing argument for his schismatic status.
If you pull his membership details and click ‘Find all posts’ you’ll get a flavour of where he’s coming from. He actually states his current position here
The photo in #6 simply looks doctored, and besides, it is impossible to say who that kneeling man is from the profile view of him.
I was intrigued and thought that I would try and see what I could find out about this Auriol-Roncalli connection. Whether or not that photo is legit, it seems that Msgr. Roncalli really did have Auriol present him with his biretta in the Palais de l’Élysée, but far from a Masonic triumph, this was a triumph for the Church! By the time of the IVme Republique, France was thoroughly laicized and the Church was experiencing real difficulties in carrying out her catechetical ministries among the young. By working with the government, Msgr. Roncalli, as the Papal Nuncio to France, was able to convince the government to relax the secularist measures, and the presentation of the biretta was a symbol of that thaw in Church-State relations, intended by Roncalli and Pius XII to recall to the minds of the French citizenry scenes of the throne-and-altar relationship typical of earlier days in the history of the Elder Daughter of Rome. This is not Masonry folks; if anyone has cause to be embarrassed by that photo, it is the Masons themselves.
Re#15: It is not hard to find photos of Cardinal Pacelli (later Pius XII) chatting affably with Nazis; does this make him a Nazi? Of course not; Pacelli was Papal Nuncio to Germany, so he sometimes dealt with Nazis (in a diplomatic fashion). Roncalli was Nuncio to France at the time of a Socialist regime, so we find photos of him dealing with Socialists (who were far nicer to the Church than the Nazis ever were). What of it?

Re#16: I am not a big fan of the Assisi ecumenical gatherings, so I am not going to try hard to get John Paul II off the hook for a lot of unwholesome syncretism that has occured on his watch. I do not think that it is as bad as some say, but I will concede that it is not terribly desirable. That said, I have been given to understand from various websites that this woman is not a Hindu, but is instead a Malabar rite Catholic making the traditional marks of Indian Christians on the Pope’s forehead. I do know some Malabar rite Catholics, and they do have forehead marks which they wear, similar in concept to the marks worn by Hindus, but distinctive enough for those-in-the-know to recognize as Christian. I cannot pretend to know for certain what was going on in that photo, but given that it is at least a plausible claim to assert that this woman is a Christian making Christian gestures, it seems to me that charity compels us to give the Pope the benefit of the doubt on this one.

Thanks for the references to the website. I haven’t had such a good laugh in years! Those who run this website have posted the absolute worst quality photographs I have seen on the Internet in the 15 years I’ve had access. I really wonder how anyone could possibly treat this tripe seriously.

THese guys are so looney they declare
***Bob Sungenis a liberal catholic yikes!:eek: ***
The same tradionalist who believe in geocentricism is liberal? Than what are we supposed to think of these nutty buddies?

***OF course they say John Paul is not the the real Pope they have the Real Pope what foolishness? ***

Dude Photoshop can do wonders I can create a meeting between John Paul II and Abraham Lincolon it doesn’t make it real.
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