As a minority who lived in Bronx, NY, I was witness to many of teens who led unhealthy lifestyles, who had unprotected relations, who were heavy into marijuana and alcohol abuse. The majority were from broken homes, single mothers and or drug addicted parents. The males that impregnated them would either skip out, deny the child or give them the money to abort the child.
In the GHETTO/HOOD/minority neighborhoods there is a lack of moral/spiritual/physical education at the HOME. And only at the home.
Church is not an option since the majority of these kids or their parents do not go to church. Their only beliefs are abort or get on welfare.
People blame politicians, but the reality is the lifestyle and upbringing of these people. There are hundreds of programs available to these people at little or no cost. They choose not to go. Be it pride or shame.
In the hood its all about being grown up, rebelling, hanging out, smoking weed, staying out late, what you wear and how much it cost. They all want to grow up quickly but they don’t want to accept the adult responsibilities.
I’m tired of people using Planned Parenthood, Politicians or, government as a crutch. I’m not some right winger or conservative. I can care less about politics. I’m also against abortion.
I was raised in the streets, I call it how I see it. You go to any street corner of the Bronx and ask teens if they know what Planned Parenthood is, they won’t know. I sure as hell didn’t. I don’t see planned parenthood hiding in shadows or lurking around passing fliers or brochures to kids, encouraging them to sleep with one another so they can profit from it. The only time teens think or care for abortions or birth control is when they’re pregnant or wanting to have relations.
People need to start raising their own kids and not wait for some government, educational or religious group to do it for them. Parents are to be blamed for being ignorant and uneducated and for their children being as well.