Blasphemy of holy spirit,

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If you accidentally blaspheme without intention is it a venial or mortal sin, this is for a friend of mine who is very distressed, he may have slight scrupulous mind, but anyway that’s not the point. He felt as if he was getting attacked by these blasphemous thoughts, initially he resisted, but every time he fought his words got mixed up, can he still be forgiven or would it be a serious blasphemy. I know St therese of lisuex had struggles. Its the fear of death that bothers him as he feels since he read Matthew Gospel on blasphemy of spirit that he is lost.however if he said it by accident without knowing it can he be forgiven. I know the catechism says that it can but christ says it can’t. So does that mean that the catechism is blasphemous. Please help I am terrified that something will happens to my friend.
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If a bunch of us—say, 10—read the same verses and put our own words describing those verses on paper, we’d likely get 10 different answers. Some would be close to perfect, but some would be just plain wrong. The rest of us would wonder how that one person could look at the same Scripture we’d read and come up with such a cockamamie idea like that.

First of all, without intention, there is no sin. Jesus knew misunderstandings would happen. That’s why he and His Apostles cautioned us that they couldn’t possibly write everything down (epistles and letters; the Bible wasn’t compiled until later), so we should listen to (have faith in) tradition. That’s why the Bible tells us not to trust in ourselves, but in Christ’s Words as taught to us, through tradition, not as we read it, with only our limited understanding.

At least some of Christ’s Words are beyond our ability to understand. That teaching from tradition has been handed down to us through our Catechism. Trust it. Trust Jesus. He said that even the gates of hell will not prevail against His Church.

Your friend needs to talk to a priest, and, since you are so afraid for him, so do you.
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Intrusive thoughts are a sign of some psychological conditions, including OCD. Your friend should see a doctor or a clinical psychologist. People with these conditions retain the problem even if they change, or give up, their religious beliefs. The thoughts change but not their intrusive and distressing nature. A priest should give you the same advice, possibly with an invitation to come back and discuss specifically religious issues which arise.
Hi Irishmadcatholic23. Hope you had a good weekend 🙂

The unpardonable sin mentioned in the scriptures is the state of continued unbelief. Because the role of the Holy Spirit is to convict a non believer of sin, righteousness and judgment, to continually resist this conviction is to blaspheme the Holy Spirit. Simply put, to die without Jesus is unforgivable. There is no forgiveness after you’ve died. It’s too late.

All of mankind is born spiritually dead with the sin nature of Adam, and therefore disconnected from God because of sin. We have to be made spiritually alive in Christ (in this life) where we’re given a new nature.

Hope I’m not breaking any rules on this site. I’m not catholic, but just wanted to give my thoughts based on my in depth studying of the scriptures.

Let me know if you have any questions 🙂
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If you accidentally blaspheme without intention is it a venial or mortal sin, this is for a friend of mine who is very distressed, he may have slight scrupulous mind, but anyway that’s not the point. He felt as if he was getting attacked by these blasphemous thoughts, initially he resisted, but every time he fought his words got mixed up, can he still be forgiven or would it be a serious blasphemy. I know St therese of lisuex had struggles. Its the fear of death that bothers him as he feels since he read Matthew Gospel on blasphemy of spirit that he is lost.however if he said it by accident without knowing it can he be forgiven. I know the catechism says that it can but christ says it can’t. So does that mean that the catechism is blasphemous. Please help I am terrified that something will happens to my friend.
Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit…it means to refuse to believe in God, and so when you die, your will gets harden and locked into that position.
Please help I am terrified that something will happens to my friend.
Blasphemy of the holy Spirit means someone rejects God even at the point at death because they want nothing to do with God. It is unforgivable because the person does not want to have anything to do with God. It is a result of that person using the free will God gave them.
I see now from reading the gospels what christ meant, he was saying that if you carry on saying something is godly when it is evil or vice versa. it is blasphemy of spirit. You see this today with abortion and homosexual marriages, who say that this is what God wants would be an example of blasphemy of the spirit because they would not be willing to acknowledge, christ, his laws and his mercy. To say that God ways was wrong and there’s was right and having the unwillingness to change. I see now how this is more evident in the world. Men and women unwilling to accept christs word and therefore closing ther hearts to the holy spirit of God.
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I see now from reading the gospels what christ meant, he was saying that if you carry on saying something is godly when it is evil or vice versa. it is blasphemy of spirit. You see this today with abortion and homosexual marriages, who say that this is what God wants would be an example of blasphemy of the spirit because they would not be willing to acknowledge, christ, his laws and his mercy. To say that God ways was wrong and there’s was right and having the unwillingness to change. I see now how this is more evident in the world. Men and women unwilling to accept christs word and therefore closing ther hearts to the holy spirit of God.
The Pharisees only wanted to believe that Jesus was getting his power from evil spirits, they refused to believe that Jesus had the power of the holy spirit…that was the blasphemy Jesus was talking about
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