This is one of the milder things this man has said to me:
"You can not begin to understand the true concept of a sacrificing Mass until you’ve experienced one! Your NO people preach that it’s only a “meal,” and the priest merely “presides,” not actually being an alter Christus. You haven’t done your homework! "
He goes to this strange church (you have heard of the Society of St Pious X – AKA SSPX?) and what horrible, wrong, untrue things he says. He keeps on to say that “Novus Ordo” Mass is not real or true and that no consecration takes place in it, only in HIS Mass that he goes to to this schismatic organization (someone said they are really just “Protestant”, how true.)
I am sorry to be so upset about this, it is just I have explained very charitably (I think and hope) how his group is not valid and not really Catholic, because the very first sin was what: disobedience. They are disobeying Rome. It is very simple, yet he keeps persisting in this error all the time. He is brainwashed by this group.
Do I break all ties and quit responding to his rants, just to pray for him and hope maybe he works it out later? Have any of you dealt with this sort of people? Any effective ways to handle it?
Thanks from Cherub
"You can not begin to understand the true concept of a sacrificing Mass until you’ve experienced one! Your NO people preach that it’s only a “meal,” and the priest merely “presides,” not actually being an alter Christus. You haven’t done your homework! "
He goes to this strange church (you have heard of the Society of St Pious X – AKA SSPX?) and what horrible, wrong, untrue things he says. He keeps on to say that “Novus Ordo” Mass is not real or true and that no consecration takes place in it, only in HIS Mass that he goes to to this schismatic organization (someone said they are really just “Protestant”, how true.)
I am sorry to be so upset about this, it is just I have explained very charitably (I think and hope) how his group is not valid and not really Catholic, because the very first sin was what: disobedience. They are disobeying Rome. It is very simple, yet he keeps persisting in this error all the time. He is brainwashed by this group.
Do I break all ties and quit responding to his rants, just to pray for him and hope maybe he works it out later? Have any of you dealt with this sort of people? Any effective ways to handle it?
Thanks from Cherub