Blighted Ovum Miscarriage

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My wife just had a miscarriage classified as a blighted ovum and the doctor recommended a D and C procedure.

There was just an empty gestational sac but no embryo. Does anyone know if there was true conception and that the remains should be treated with proper respect?

If we go through with the D and C, assuming the answer to the above question is yes, should we request the remains and seek proper disposal of them? Or is it ok for us to allow the hospital to deal with them?

Thank you for your time
First, I am sorry for your lose. I suffered a miscarriage and am still saddened by the lose.

How far along was your wife?

At 12 weeks, for me, we were not able to find the baby, she was still to little. I have a prolife doctor and he recommended that we not do a D&C. We conceived again the next month and now my son is three. With a D&C we would not have him today. It takes at least three months for the body to recover from this. At the same time, you should listen to what the doctor has to say and then go get a second opinion. If there is no longer an embyro, I assume your wife was still in the first trimester? The body will take care of it’s self naturally.

If you do have the opportunity to hold and see your child, do not let the hospital take care of him. Please call your parish priest for the next step regarding a possible burial. The hospital will use the child for science. I would never let this happen to my child.
I had a blighted ovum and tried to let it go naturally. After 6 weeks of KNOWING there was no baby alive in there (several ultrasounds – no heartbeat by 10wks, etc. two weeks of excruciating cramping but no actual expulsion – try chasing a 2yr old when you can’t even stand up) I decided to have a D&C. I don’t regret it. I know there was no longer any life inside me. The remains were sent to pathology to see if there was any particular reason for the miscarriage, the report showed no evidence of anything wrong, not even any “parts” for lack of a better term. The remains were then disposed of. I was sorry I didn’t get to baptize them, but I was told by several different priests that my baptism of intent would suffice in these circumstances. A miscarriage is painful enough without people berating you for your choices made during such a horribly emotionally torturous time. I’m happy for the people who let it happen naturally, but it doesn’t always work that way. Pray for guidance and go with what your heart says is right. That’s all God asks of us.
I had a miscarriage several years ago and did not have a D and C but I did develop an infection and had to be on antibiotics, so if you choose not to do the d and c watch for fever, abdominal pain, jitters, as those are signs of infection.

Now, my sister in law had to have a D and C becuase after her miscarriage, not all of the miscarried pregnancy naturally came out by itself and she was bleeding very dangerously and heavily and in those cases, your life is at risk if you choose not to do the D and C, ask the doctor, let the doctor know your feelings, they will let you know the correct measure to take, I know for my sister in law, she had chosen to just wait and see if everything came out on its own and she regretted that because then of course, she ended up having the D and C anyways and by that point, it was so painful, and she lost so much blood, she had to stay in the hospital overnight. On the bright side, she became pregnant on her very next period and did fine, so obviously, just because she had a D and C did not make her fertility any less or my nephew would not have been concived the following month.

I did not have a D and C and it still took me three months to get pregnant again and we started trying as soon as I had my first normal period, so each woman will have a different body and thus a different story to tell.

I’m so sorry for your loss, please don’t give up hope, in most cases, you will go on to have a great next pregnancy.

Peace 👍
With a D&C we would not have him today. It takes at least three months for the body to recover from this. .
I’m not sure where you got that information, but thousands of pregnancies will refute this information. In many cases, a D&C can actually speed up conception rates b/c the lining is completely removed vs residual buildup that occurs each month. Theoretically, an embryo can implant easier when there is no residual buildup to bore thru.

The emotional scarring from a miscarriage (not the D&C) and stress that goes with can delay conception as much as any procedure. God determines when we get pregnant or not, as many women who got pregnant immediately after a D&C will testify
I, too had an empty pregnancy. I had to get blood drawn every few days and then meet with the doctor. She was concerned that my HCG levels were not dropping as they should (although they were dropping). She said that I may need a D&C. She sent me again for blood work, an to repeat the blood work in a couple days, and see her again next week to discuss further.

Well, that weekend I started to bleed profusely. Soaking pads within 5 minutes. You could hear blood pouring out of me on the toilet, it wounding like I was urinating. I had to go to the emergency room, and I needed a D&C.

On the ultrasound done at the hospital , before the D&C, the gestational products were still there after all that bleeding.

Luckily for me, this happened on a Saturday , while we over my mother’s.

If I had been home by myself with my 3 year old and 18 month old, husband at work, I don’t know what would have happened.

Memorial weekend will always be memorable.
My wife just had a miscarriage classified as a blighted ovum and the doctor recommended a D and C procedure.

There was just an empty gestational sac but no embryo. Does anyone know if there was true conception and that the remains should be treated with proper respect?

If we go through with the D and C, assuming the answer to the above question is yes, should we request the remains and seek proper disposal of them? Or is it ok for us to allow the hospital to deal with them?

Thank you for your time
I have also experienced a loss like this. I’m not an MD, but when it happened to me my doctor explained to me that the cells that had formed were absorbed into my body. My doctor ordered an ultrasound to verify and I saw with my own eyes - a gestational sac with nothing in it. I believe there was conception, but there truly was no life remaining. The why part I don’t know.

My doctor suggested that I allow the miscarriage to progress naturally so that is what I did.

Assuming your wife’s miscarriage was like mine there would be nothing left to dispose as far as an embryo goes.

I hope this helps.

May you experience God’s peace as you grieve your loss.
I’ve unfortunatly had several of these type miscarriages. I think the D&C is a good idea because in one of my instances, when the tissue was sent to pathology for testing, they determined I had a molar pregnancy which are cells that can turn cancerous. I had to have a second D&C one week later & go for weekly blood tests to monitor my hcg levels for months. Other times I’ve had the D&C without any trouble. The D&C normally helps to bring the hormone levels back to normal which will help your wife to feel better.

I am so very sorry for your loss. Please don’t allow anyone to minimize your pain by stating that because it was only a blighted ovum, there was no baby. There WAS conception - but possibly not much after that.

Again, I’m truly sorry.
I am so sorry for your loss! I too had a blighted ovum. We decided to let it pass naturally, which I think in the long run was a mistake all around. I ended up in a grocery store with my 2 little ones (buying more sanitary napkins) when it decided to pass. I had to drag them into the bathroom and discreetly (yeah right?) remedy the situation without them knowing and without bawling my eyes out. It was trumatic for me and could have been to my little ones. Physically I was ok, but I was lucky. Get the d & c and be safe. Again I am sorry for your loss, you will get through this!
I’m not sure where you got that information, but thousands of pregnancies will refute this information. In many cases, a D&C can actually speed up conception rates b/c the lining is completely removed vs residual buildup that occurs each month. Theoretically, an embryo can implant easier when there is no residual buildup to bore thru.

The emotional scarring from a miscarriage (not the D&C) and stress that goes with can delay conception as much as any procedure. God determines when we get pregnant or not, as many women who got pregnant immediately after a D&C will testify
I got this information from my doctor and that’s the thing. A D&C strips of everything. An embryo cannot implant if there isn’t a lining to snuggle into. God bless those for whom this works and conception is not a problem. I prefer to let things take care of themselves naturally when ever possible. I feel that after my body went through the trama of a miscarriage, the stress of a D&C would have delayed the arrival of our first born child.

On a side, without the sacrifice our little angel made, we wouldn’t have our son, our daughter. . . . . everything for a higher purpose, eh?

However, like always, do get a second opinion.
I got this information from my doctor and that’s the thing. A D&C strips of everything. An embryo cannot implant if there isn’t a lining to snuggle into. .
It’s funny – each doctor told me something the same, yet slightly different – sometimes second opinions only muddy the waters…lol!!! There is another line of logic/reasoning that says Yes, a D&C will strip the entire lining but it will regrow between the D&C and the next ovulation period (approx 2wks), so it’s not completely naked bare in there, kwim, and I’m assuming that’s where those “first month” babies are successful. Anyway – neither here nor there – it’s very possible to conceive the first cycle after a D&C – that was the message I wanted the dad to understand, so if they decided to go with a D&C for whatever reason (you can see above not everyone can pass it naturally) they would at least be comforted with the knowledge that they could very well get pregnant again soon, and that they wouldn’t definitely be preventing conception by having a D&C, that’s all.
It’s funny – each doctor told me something the same, yet slightly different – sometimes second opinions only muddy the waters…lol!!! There is another line of logic/reasoning that says Yes, a D&C will strip the entire lining but it will regrow between the D&C and the next ovulation period (approx 2wks), so it’s not completely naked bare in there, kwim, and I’m assuming that’s where those “first month” babies are successful. Anyway – neither here nor there – it’s very possible to conceive the first cycle after a D&C – that was the message I wanted the dad to understand, so if they decided to go with a D&C for whatever reason (you can see above not everyone can pass it naturally) they would at least be comforted with the knowledge that they could very well get pregnant again soon, and that they wouldn’t definitely be preventing conception by having a D&C, that’s all.
I guess its one of those things that you can still learn about, and really don’t until someone has gone through a similar experience.
Thank God for modern medicine!!! (most of it anyway)
It’s funny – each doctor told me something the same, yet slightly different – sometimes second opinions only muddy the waters…lol!!! There is another line of logic/reasoning that says Yes, a D&C will strip the entire lining but it will regrow between the D&C and the next ovulation period (approx 2wks), so it’s not completely naked bare in there, kwim, and I’m assuming that’s where those “first month” babies are successful. Anyway – neither here nor there – it’s very possible to conceive the first cycle after a D&C – that was the message I wanted the dad to understand, so if they decided to go with a D&C for whatever reason (you can see above not everyone can pass it naturally) they would at least be comforted with the knowledge that they could very well get pregnant again soon, and that they wouldn’t definitely be preventing conception by having a D&C, that’s all.
My parents conceived me right after mom had a D&C to remove uterine fibroids. She and dad had been trying for two years to get pregnant before that. The fibroids and endometriosis returned, and she never got pregnant again. I wonder if she would have if she’d repeated the surgery.
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