Perhaps my choice of adjectives wasn’t correct, but yes, for some individuals they are, besides stigmatized by original sin, some have been selected(elect) and some receive a double whammy(reprobate) before they were even conceived.
- We all were born with original sin.
- Who are the reprobates? Are they: Those who died before birth? Those born with deformities? Those born with irresponsible parents? Those who will never be taller than 5 feet? Those with lesser IQ?
(Is this response about the question of inegality when born? Check Kreeft’s “Making sense out of suffering”, or C.S. Lewis: “The Problem of Pain”)
Philosophically speaking, whatever our context at birth, who can really judge if one received a double whammy? Who says that someone born in a dirt poor slum is less blessed than someone born with a silver spoon?
In any case, all humans are born equally loved and wanted.
Where did the idea that some are unwanted come from?
In regards to the CEO example, I was just explaining the nature of our relationship with God. It is not necessarily the reason for God not explaining things to everyone as a grace. I did not write that as a copout answer, just a philosophical truth in terms of the context of unequal relationships. Theoretically, if God exists, then we are inferior in stature. That is irrefutable. We are even lucky that he is loving.
If I understood your response properly, you imply that there is an injustice in that (our uneven relationship/stature). There would be one, if we were not designed for that very purpose ( to love and serve God ). However, if we were designed to serve and worship God (actually, that is the greatest happiness in heaven), then the formula works.
The Christian paradox of choice was never hidden:
Would you rather be God in hell, or serve God in heaven?
Now, your perspective actually changes if you understood how heaven and hell really works. I personally would be so happy if I were granted the job of washing Jesus’ feet for all eternity.
( I would have been blown out of my mind if I said that years ago… but now that I know what heaven and hell imply, it is all so much clearer.)
If you would like to know more about this heaven and hell thing I write about, I suggest reading a couple of Peter Kreeft books… starting with “YES/NO straight answers to tough questions about christianity” and even “Back to Virtue” (of the same author)… and maybe attending a spiritual retreat.
It is hard to consider a point if we don’t know all the facts… and especially if we have a bias.
My point is to say that in order for us to communicate on this topic, let us put all the cards on the table… because if you would like to argue about God, then let us look at all my points about God and the whole Christian experience before even doing so.
Thanks and God bless!