The reason green alarmists’ predictions and warnings fall on deaf ears is that many of their “solutions” would end life as we currently know it and plunge millions of low-end and even middle-income people into dire poverty.
The “solutions” are simply too extreme!
Why not stick with small changes that regular people can make; e.g., the example given earlier about not letting the water run while brushing teeth?
I often wonder what Al Gore’s disciples would do if they ever visited a hospital laboratory (where I work). On one shift, in our department alone (there are 5 departments in our clinical lab) we throw away at least 10 (lately more) large biohazard bags (large = the size of a garbage bag) PER SHIFT! These bags are filled with PLASTIC WASTE–pipettes, inoculating loops, petri plates, automated susceptibility testing cartridges, id strips, etc.)
And we’re just one hospital!
I think Mr. Gore’s followers would have strokes! Or at least conniption fits!
And there’s little that can be done about it. Using non-disposables like glass petri plates and metal loops would be a step back to the Olden Days of Medicine and cost a FORTUNE for patients! And although many laboratory tests have been miniaturized, there is a lot of science that must be taken into account when miniaturizing a medical testing device. (I would highly recommend that students who are passionate about saving the environment stop spending time on political activism which accomplishes little, and enter the field of biomedical engineering, otherwise known as “Nerd Land” and work on miniaturization.)
The Environmental Evangelists remind me of the many people who make a living (or at least become celebrities) preaching about weight loss. In spite of the fact that 95-99% of people (depends on which study you read) GAIN WEIGHT BACK along with extra pounds, these people continue to tout extreme diets, diets consisting of food that simply isn’t available at a reasonable cost in many parts of the U.S. (e.g., fresh fish), diets that require drinking a supplement instead of eating food, diets that eliminate various food groups (e.g., “gluten-free” for non-celiac people), and most sad of all, diets that eliminate sweets, salts, and many of the other foods that are so pleasurable for so many of us.
Most of these diets have no research behind them, and even what sounds “sensible,” i.e., eating less and exercising more" really doesn’t have a lot of research to back up the claims that the weight will stay off.
EXTREME solutions to any problem are NOT the answer! Many people oppose Pres. Trump’s “Wall” because it is simply so extreme! I’ve been wondering why we don’t just build a really big cyclone fence instead of a wall? I don’t know enough about the situation to know if that would help, but at least it’s a lot cheaper and less intimidating.
I think the climate change alarmists would do well to adjust their expectations of what the average person is able and willing to do. I cannot afford a new energy-efficient car (or ANY car) at this time, but I can afford to get my car tuned up on a regular basis to increase its efficiency.