**I was just reading the encyclical of Pius XII on virginity and am a little confused. St. Augustine said that perfect abstinence was easier than moderate sexual activity in marriage. You married folk out there: do you think he is right? St. Jerome said that it is pretty much inevitable that a venial sin will be committed in the marital act, and the encyclical says “As the Angelic Doctor has it, the use of marriage ‘keeps the soul from full abandon to the service of God.’” Summa Th., II-II, q. 186, a. 4. However, suppose a man loves his wife in a godly way, and uses sex in a noble manner, are his sacrifices not equal to that of a celibate, or perhaps more, if it is harder for him to be moderate that it is for a priest to be celibate? Is sexual abandon in marriage not psychologically healthy?? Were these celibates being to hard on married people?
Finally, why is it less likely that you will have a profound spiritual experience of God after you had a chaste orgasm then when you haven’t had one for a long time?
I hope we all can figure these questions out together…**
Finally, why is it less likely that you will have a profound spiritual experience of God after you had a chaste orgasm then when you haven’t had one for a long time?
I hope we all can figure these questions out together…**