You are welcome. Go out and get the book, for it is an excellent source of basic Bible info. Fr. Baker, S.J. also has a TV series on his book through EWTN. It is also called “Inside the Bible.” You can probably order a copy of the show from EWTN.
It is interesting to note that St. Jude uses extra-canonical sources to reinforce his teachings. Though one shouldn’t be surprised, as the Catholic Church, starting with Jesus Himself, routinely quote from works that were very popular in the Alexandrian Jewish community, though they were not, and indeed still are not, popular in the Palestinian Jewish community.
It is one of the reasons I came back to the Church; if Jesus Himself quoted from the ‘Apocryphal/Deuterocannonical’ (sp?) books with routine, how could I reject them?
Granted the “Lost Books of the Old Testament” are not in the same league as these, however there is much tradition (small “t” intentional) which encompasses different parts of their use.
Also, the Book of Enoch that one can read today was translated from the only copies that survived and they are in the Slavonic Orthodox Churches of Russia, Ukraine, etc. I had not known of the Ge’ez Orthodox Churches (Ethiopian/Eritrean/Egyptian Orthodox) using them. However, we are blessed with an Ethiopian Orthodox church here in Denver, as well as a well versed/open Greek Orthodox Church, and three Oriental Catholic Churches as well. I will seek out more info on the Ge’ez use of the Book of Enoch when I can.