Hi All: My inlaws of 15 years are, sadly, believers in, at best, a unmoved God, and at worse, nothiing. Their son married a cradle Catholic (me) and converted (Thanks be to God!) about 7 years ago. They were apalled and said as much. Since then (and 3 grandkids later - who are, of course, being brought up in the faith), we’ve invited them to mass for many a Christmas, Easter, first communion, etc… which, as devoted grandparents, they’ve dutifully (if not fitfully) attended. Both my husband and I (and the kids) are praying mightily for them. My husband (who is sincerely worried for their souls) has engaged them each several times about religion, but they shut him down (his father says his early protestant formation “just didn’t take with him”; his mother claims a belief in God, but doesn’t believe he’s “all that powerful”). As an inlaw, I’ve kept my mouth shut, but the last few years have just given them each (and also my husband’s similarly secular only sibling) a religious/spiritual book (something slim; nothing ponderous looking) as a small Christmas gift, just from me. No idea if they go straight to the Goodwill donation bag, or what, but am looking for a book (or even car CD) to give them this year… Last year I gave them Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis (figuring a “Christian” writer was less threatening to them than a “Roman Catholic” writer)(besides, I LOVE Clive!) ANy suggestions??