Book suggestions for shopping & spending addiction

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I’m looking for book suggestions for a young adult with a serious problem with spending and shopping addiction. Preferably something that is fairly simple, not too lengthy and biblically based. Thanks!
Please don’t take this the wrong way, but you’re looking to spend money on a book about not spending money.

You already know how not to spend money.
What you need are cheerleaders who will encourage you to clamp down on your spending.
It’s not for me. And spending addiction, like any other addiction cannot be overcame by “cheerleaders.” It is a true and real addiction, like drugs, alcohol, overeating, pornography, etc.
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I thought I would share my findings in case anyone else is interested in this topic. I found a great book, especially for female young adults, “Counterfeit Comforts” It is by a Christian author and addresses addiction in it’s many forms. Also, found 2 great Christian authors on financial issues: Larry Burkett and Dave Ramsey. I decided on the book that discusses addictive behavior though, I think it’s best to tackle that issue first then handle the specifics of financial management.
Okay, I re-read and the book isn’t for you.

Does this person want to change?
I think any book by Peter Walsh will be very helpful to you. He does not write from a Biblical base, but he is definitely supportive of faith/religion.

His first book is called, “It’s All too Much,” and the subtitle says, “An Easy Plan for Living a Richer Life with Less Stuff.”

Another book of his that I love is “Lighten Up” , and the subtitle says, “Love What You Have, Have What You Need, Be Happier With Less.”

I love his books! They really force me to think deeply about the life I want to live and compare it with the life I actually live. He gives all kinds of tools for eliminating all the “stuff” that prevents us from living the life we want to live.

This is so important for Christians, because most of us imagine a life of studying the Scriptures, praying, getting involved with our parish and doing good works–but many of us (me!) waste a lot of time watching TV, playing with our phones, shopping, spending money (and going into debt), etc. Peter’ Walsh’s books teach us how to live the life we truly want to live.

They’re very readable, too. Not boring. I copy quotes out of his books.

Hope this is helpful advice.
Thank you! This is most helpful. And you are so right about comparing how we want to live with how we actually live. I’ll spend some time researching his books. I purged my stuff a few years ago and it was/is awesome.
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