Book to help Christian college students keep faith

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Just got a book for my son who is entering college; Fish Out of Water, by Abby Nye whose parents are journalists. She is a current Christian college student who tells of the blatant and subtle ways Christians and our beliefs are attacked in universities and colleges. She even tells of one incident at Ave Maria (doesn’t say which place).

She is obviously not Catholic, but I think there are some good things in the book to help your student watch out for the indoctrination methods used in many places. Where my son is going, I have been warned it’s very bad; lots of homosexual prof’s, though I know at least one philosophy prof who is Christian (Baptist, not Southern). I got the info from a language prof’s wife; they are both Christian.

Here’s another good one:

Handbook of Christian Apologetics: Hundreds of Answers to Crucial Questions by Peter Kreeft, Ronald K. Tacelli
She is a current Christian college student who tells of the blatant and subtle ways Christians and our beliefs are attacked in universities and colleges.
I’ve seen blatant. Haven’t seen too much subtle. The postmodern “intellectualism” (I’m being generous today) common in most universities today is scared to death of anyone who supports the notion of an absolute truth, any absolute truth. It’s amazing that this misguided philosophy is associated with science in some circles.

I’d recommend that your son find a parish as soon as he gets there and that he start making friends there as soon as he can. He’s going to need that support eventually (especially if he’s a liberal arts student where postmodernism is most deeply entrenched). I also really do suggest that he find some refutations to use against postmodernism, it really is the root of most of these kinds of problems. He doesn’t have to use them in conversation or anything (it’s not apologetics), it will just help him to understand how people who value “tolerance” so much can be so hateful when you disagree with them.
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