:thumbsup:I think the Knights of Columbus might have some.I have seen their ads in Parade magazine in the news paper and they have where you can send away for booklets on the Church.You might also write to the Daughters of St.Paul.They are an italian religious order here in the US and elsewhere who print books and or Catholic media.
They also have bookstores in various cities they are in.
Speaking of this,the San Antonio Express News had an article on the front page of the Sunday edition talking about the Eagle Ford Shale south of here,and about the various protestant churches in the area down there reaching out to the oil field workers.
The only Catholic Church they mentioned was the one in Tilden which also has a protestant church which has grown with the oil work.
Out side of St.Joseph’s in Tilden,very little was said about the catholic parishes in Christine,Pleasanton,Leming,Loire,etc. Why the Archdiocese doesn’t get the parishes in the area to reach out to the workers I don’t know.
One day when i did my laundry,a lady came in and was handing out these bags.They contained laundry soap,dryer sheets,and some quarters. It was for a local church here.
Inside was the church’s business card.
The local methodist church here is going around on April 21 doing free handyman work for people who need it.
We catholics need to get out there and do some of these things too.
Some local parish could go and have members young and old with some carpentrey or other skills go and help old people fix up their homes for free.
This is just an idea.