For those of you who are Catechists, Catechumens, Inquirers, or Candidates and are taking/teaching RCIA this year…
I was wondering… what books is your parish issuing or are you purchasing, if any, for the RCIA program and/or personal reading?
At the first class I was given:
“In His Light” - Rev. William A. Anderson, D. Min., Ph.D.
“(WYSKA) Church History” - Charlene Altemose, MSC
“Handbook for Today’s Catholic” - Liguori Publications
“(WYSKA) Mass” - Charlene Altemose, MSC
“The Seeker’s Catechism” - Michael Francis Pennock
(WYSKA) - “What You Should Know About…”
For my own personal reading:
RSV-CE Reader’s Edition Bible - Oxford
“Catholic Family Prayer Book” - Jacquelyn Lindsey
“Rome Sweet Home” - Dr. Scott & Kimberly Hahn
“What It Means To Be Catholic” - Joseph M. Champlin
“Compendium of the Catechism of the
Catholic Church” - Joseph Ratzinger; Pope Benedict XVI
There’s other books that I picked up in our parish’s book give-a-way… I will post them later on after I get them together…
I was wondering… what books is your parish issuing or are you purchasing, if any, for the RCIA program and/or personal reading?
At the first class I was given:
“In His Light” - Rev. William A. Anderson, D. Min., Ph.D.
“(WYSKA) Church History” - Charlene Altemose, MSC
“Handbook for Today’s Catholic” - Liguori Publications
“(WYSKA) Mass” - Charlene Altemose, MSC
“The Seeker’s Catechism” - Michael Francis Pennock
(WYSKA) - “What You Should Know About…”
For my own personal reading:
RSV-CE Reader’s Edition Bible - Oxford
“Catholic Family Prayer Book” - Jacquelyn Lindsey
“Rome Sweet Home” - Dr. Scott & Kimberly Hahn
“What It Means To Be Catholic” - Joseph M. Champlin
“Compendium of the Catechism of the
Catholic Church” - Joseph Ratzinger; Pope Benedict XVI
There’s other books that I picked up in our parish’s book give-a-way… I will post them later on after I get them together…