Books for Priesthood Discernment

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If you are discerning a priestly vocation, go to
On this website you can request some free material be sent to you including:
“To Save a Thousand Souls” by Fr. Brett Brannen (an excellent book recommended by many vocation directors)
“is Jesus Calling You to be a Catholic Priest?” (this is a smaller booklet that may be helpful to some, I haven’t read through it all yet)

Also, another booklet that I would recommend is one I grabbed on one of those Lighthouse Catholic Media stands inside my parish. “How to Discover your Vocation” by Fr. Stephen Wang. This one seems good because it doesn’t isolate itself to a priestly vocation but mentions all the vocations possible including marriage, single life, diaconate, consecrated life, and the priesthood.

God bless!
So, where is Fr. Ken Roberts nowadays? I first heard/met him in Wichita–circa early '90s–and a couple retreats thereafter, but nothing since. Hmm…
I can’t say I really read too many “discernment” books, but as a seminarian, I’ll throw in what I know.

“Could You Ever Become a Catholic Priest?” (ISBN-13: 978-0818908163), it’s a little dated, but still very relevant. Discusses the difference between diocesan and religious life in one of the chapters, which is nice as well.

“The Priest is Not His Own” (ISBN-13: 978-1586170448), an excellent book (although admittedly rather heady) which paints a good theological perspective of what is done in diocesan ministry.

“To Save a Thousand Souls” (ISBN-13: 978-0615345512); I found it to be rather out of touch with reality and geared toward admittance of only the most perfect applicant.
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