Books for teens

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I have a 14 year old girl. Any good book recommendations for her to read on celibacy and chastity?
Joshua Harris is a protestant with a great book on courting and celibacy called “I Kissed Dating Goodbye”. It is written for teens and is an interesting read. He has an amazing story of a dream he had that he came into this room of files, and inside the drawers of the files were all the sins he had ever committed and all the good he had ever done. The sins were detailed and graphic to him and he was mortified and humiliated to a crumpled pile of tears on the floor. Then into the room walks Jesus who proceeds to write His name in blood on every sin listed in the files. Very moving and profound.

On a Catholic note, we have Jason Everett who, with his wife, has a website called the with books, videos, etc. They lecture, so catch them wherever they are nearby. Phenomenal!
This Catholic website below has great information on just that topic. It is set up in a Q&A format. It is awesome!

Also, there are some great books written by Jason & Crystalina Evert on chastity & purity. Crystalina has a small booklet out called “Pure Womanhood”, it sounds perfect for your daughter.

I’m sure you will be able to find their works on the above website. They have been on EWTN many times and are just wonderful. I have bought my 13 yr old son two of Jason Evert’s videotapes, they are funny & very edifying.
As a teenager I second “I kissed Dating Goodbye.” All my friends were dating and telling me how great it was. I didn’t want that. Since I have read Josh’s book I have come to the conclusion that I am not going to date until my Junior yr. of college and I hopefully am going to save my first kiss for my engagement/wedding day. Extreme? Yes! Josh’s book didn’t tell me what to do but it inspired me to set higher standards in my life. He meets you wherever you’re at.

Good Luck!

like u guys said above, jason and crystalina evert have some great books(i have most of them). they are the best speakers on this subject i have ever heard(and i have heard a lot).the book If You Really Loved Me is really good :thumbsup(oh, and by the way im 15. i dont know if that makes a difference)
From Ignatius Press (

Love and Life, a guide to Catholic Sexual morality by Coleen Mast
there is a student edition, and a parent edition (which has the physical stuff and diagrams, how to discuss it with your teen)

Go to CA home page and check out Jason Evert’s books.
I have a 14 year old girl. Any good book recommendations for her to read on celibacy and chastity?
Arms of Love

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Sort of off-topic to the chastity question, but if your daughter is a reader then I’d recommend Joan of Arc by Mark Twain. If that book might overwhelm her, then try “Young Joan” by Barbara Dana. Also, any book about the live of St. Therese and St. Catherine of Siena. All show young women choosing chastity with amazing results. As you know, fearing the severe consequences of premaritial sexual activity is only one side of the coin. God’s will for young men and young women as manifest in his desire for a pure heart is the other side.
Elizabeth Elliot’s “Passion and Purity” a great read!

Robin Jones Gunn has a some series of books for teen girls. The characters are christian, and chastity and purity are regular themes. I am nearly 40, but I read them with pleasure in the past year.

wow, thanks for all the great suggestions. I’m also wondering if it would be better for one/both of us to give her the book or have it ‘just show up’ anonymously in her room?
Go to where you can order some free books. Pierced by a Sword and Conceived Without Sin are great fiction with Catholic characters who deal with the chastity issue in a way that is awesome.

You might think they are a bit heavy for a 14 year old but I remember what I was reading at that age. They are packed full with Catholic teaching applied to everyday life and are a great read as well.
Real Love by Mary Beth Bonacci and definitely Coleen Kelly Masts book - you can get both at - just look in their online store, they’ve got a lot of great stuff.
I would like to second Arms of Love by Carmen Marcoux. Though I loved Real Love, I kissed dating goodby and the others, the fact that the novel is fiction really makes it appealing. It’s a wonderful book.
I’m also wondering if it would be better for one/both of us to give her the book or have it ‘just show up’ anonymously in her room?
In my opinion it would be better if you gave her the book yourself followed with a big hug and an ‘I Love You’!

My mother left a ‘birds & bees’ book for me in my room when I was a pre-teen. While the intention was indeed good it was a cold & distant approach. I did not feel like I was welcome to talk with her about it becuase she left no note or explanation. We never did talk about it & I always wished that she would have come to me instead of just leaving a book in my room.

Do what you think is best. Only my opinion.🙂

God Bless,
In my opinion it would be better if you gave her the book yourself followed with a big hug and an ‘I Love You’!

My mother left a ‘birds & bees’ book for me in my room when I was a pre-teen. While the intention was indeed good it was a cold & distant approach. I did not feel like I was welcome to talk with her about it becuase she left no note or explanation. We never did talk about it & I always wished that she would have come to me instead of just leaving a book in my room.

Do what you think is best. Only my opinion.🙂

God Bless,
Thank you!
Pure Womanhood by Crystalina Evert.

This is a small afordable booklet that I bought for my ‘little sister’ who is 16 and unchurched, living in a secularized home.
The booklet is very good, and is published in a catholic version and a secular version.
You can find it by clicking on the Catholic Answer’s “Shop” link up above on the right. 🙂
I have a 14 year old girl. Any good book recommendations for her to read on celibacy and chastity?
Try the excellent book, written by a Catholic priest, entitled: “Christian Courtship in an Over-sexed world”
I second Passion and Purity by Elizabeth Elliot. I read it in college and it changed my outlook quite a bit.
Thanks for this tread. I had been thinking of asking the same question for my 14-yr.-old too. She won’t let me talk to her, so maybe a book would help.
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