Books on need for contemplative spirituality in Catholicism

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I’m currently writing my dissertation on how Eastern icons can improve the interior life of contemporary Catholics.

Does anyone know some well-written books that examine in depth the role contemplative spirituality in general can play in the rejuvenation of Roman Catholicism? Especially examining the need with reference to the violent hustle & bustle of modern living.

For example, Pope John Paul II touches upon it in ‘ORIENTALE LUMEN’:

‘This is what man needs today; he is often unable to be silent for fear of meeting himself, of feeling the emptiness that asks itself about meaning; man who deafens himself with noise. All, believers and non - believers alike, need to learn a silence that allows the Other to speak when and how he wishes, and allows us to understand his words.’
Here is a book on contemplation. It is an excellent book. I do not know if it would fit your criteria.

You can look at their web page, under the teaching heading, and see if this helps. It will mainly deal with contemplation and spiritual warfare.

Interceding With Jesus “Therefore, Jesus is always able to save those who approach God through him, since he lives forever to make intercession for them.” Heb 7:25

Mother Nadine has put into words and shaped a whole lifestyle in this book, Interceding with Jesus. At the center of the world and at the center of the intercessor’s life is the life-giving cross of Jesus. The Risen Lamb is looking for intercessors who will embody His on-going self-offering and intercession before the Father on behalf of sinners. The conditions are deep contemplative union with Jesus and a willingness to share His crucified love for this world.

Mother Nadine’s teaching and charism is built on many holy men and women who went before her. One can sense in this book the smiling presence of St. Therese of the Child Jesus whose childlike trust in the Heavenly Father was tested by deep trials of faith and blossomed into a blazing zeal and fruitful intercession for the Church’s missions. From St. John Eudes, the first founder of the Good Shepard Sisters, this spiritual daughter draws such treasures as the beautiful union of the two Hearts of Jesus and Mary and the conviction that Jesus wants to live his life again in every Christian, including His office of Calvary intercession. One hears in these pages echoes of the teaching and personality of St. Theresa of Avilathe call to contemplation and transforming union and the cross, the enduring qualities of a warm humanity, good common sense and a boundless sense of humor and good cheer.

The reader will want to keep this book close at hand. It is both an inspiration and a practical guide. The author’s stories, personal experiences and choice of Scriptural quotes weave together a rich contemplative spirituality which will continue to inspire and challenge us. How good it is to know that intercession is basically wanting what God already wants for people and asking Him to do it. And how refreshing it is to be taught the simple methods of prayer that God has given to Mother Nadine and the Intercessors of the Lamb. She teaches us how even a child can “intercede with Jesus.”

Fr. Richard Tomasek, S.J.
From the forward by Fr. R. Tomasek Director of Spiritual Formation Pontifical College Josephinum Columbus, OH
Thanks John, but I was hoping for some books that more specifically explore the importance of contemplative spirituality with reference to the violent hustle & bustle of modern living.
Hi Leao,

You may want to check out The Shattered Lantern by Ronald Rolheiser, OMI.

In the book, Fr. Rolheiser cites three barriers to contemplation in modern society:
  • Narcissism
  • Pragmatism
  • Unbridled restlessness
This book may not go deep enough for your dissertation, but it might be helpful. May Jesus walk with you as you complete this task.
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