It doesn’t.
Any book that claims to tell you that, is a book written by a human that has never experienced athiesm.
Athiesm, is liberating and filled with meaning.
Perhaps, rather than write something about it, you could start with acknowleging, you don’t really understand it?
Perhaps your “writings” could be more an exploration of the athiest, rather than a refuting of them.
Dame, thank you for the thoughtful post. First, you ask if I should first acknowledge that I don’t really understand atheism. I came here to ask for books about the Self because I don’t understand either side’s perspective enough to write about it. I do admit, however, that my current belief is that atheism does deplete the Self of a purpose in life. Once you take away a Creator from the equation, you have only to live for living’s sake. (By “purpose,” I mean more than merely sustaining your life until the inevitable end.) So your options are either nihilism or existentialism until your death. I don’t know if I ever read this in a book or if it’s a conclusion I came to on my own.
Lastly, you suggest I explore atheism in my “writings,” rather than attempt to refute it. Well, I’m not sure what the point in that would be. I could always read about atheism instead of write about it, and it would achieve nearly the same effect: I’d learn more about it. The difference would be that writing about it is more time consuming and requires more effort; moreover, I’d still have to read about atheism before I can write about it in-depth; I’d have only my own knowledge of atheism to write about. I can see writing about atheism as being worth my time if it was to better understand my own thoughts of it, like I do with many other subjects of interest. Writing is a great way of organizing your thoughts. Since I’m still in the research and note-taking phase, I’ll probably be doing that anyway.
As of right now, my plans are to have a character in the story that has explored atheism. I’d have to understand this character before writing the story, so, really, it’s not as if I’m taking this lightly. Whatever I choose to write, I just want you to understand that there is much I don’t know, and I don’t claim to know much at all. I sit back, observe, read, write, and try to find answers. I learn more as I read and write my thoughts down and discuss them with others.
If you can tell me why you think atheism is “liberating and filled with meaning” in the context of the Self (or however you like), it might be helpful to me. Send me a private message, if you want. I’m here to learn. =)
Fran: Thank you for your recommendation! Not only could this be helpful, it also looks entertaining.