We need a forum section for books! Many things to discuss and learn from each other.
Karl—I hope you’re reading this.
in XT.
Karl—I hope you’re reading this.
in XT.
My bookshelf is twice as loaded! ANd there are more coming. :bigyikes:
~ Kathy ~
Does anyone else want to give this book a try? This one is quite promising. Are there other suggestions? Have you heard of a really good book that we can all easily purchase and discuss?A couple weeks ago another forum member ordered a book to read and discuss on a thread with me. It should be in her mailbox soon. We plan to read and discuss Fully Human Fully Divine an interactive Christology by Michael Casey. We are just two but are willing to invite more. I think 10 to 15 people per book makes a good limit. Is it possible to limit on these forums? I planned on writing a reflection per chapter as we read along. I choose a reflection rather than discussion with this particular book.
You can read how the book was chosen at this thread address
Should we be limited to books offered at Catholic Answers?
The book is at Amazon
Great idea!We need a forum section for books! Many things to discuss and learn from each other.
Karl—I hope you’re reading this.
in XT.