I’m sorry for being so cranky with your posts in my AmbassadorMan Friendship Table! I allowed a few things happening around me to affect my posting with you and others
I’m a moderator in (not the creator of) Dr. Theos Bible Study Corner, and fellow poster over in OrthodoxBerean’s Christian Ideas Discussion Board.
Actually, the inquiring and reporting back request is extended to each and every new-found friend reading this thread!
I’m sorry for being so cranky with your posts in my AmbassadorMan Friendship Table! I allowed a few things happening around me to affect my posting with you and others
- I apologize! I’ll do my best to not allow external circumtances to often “dictate” my interpersonal relationships
Let's start over and become new-found friends!
I'm AmbassadorMan, stollerusa, Roland:
I'm one of three moderators in Gary Hoge's Catholic Outlook.
I'm also a fellow poster in Gary Hoge's Catholic Outook.
I'm a fellow poster in Steve Ray's Defenders of the Catholic Faith.
here are the major URLs respectively:
I also post sometimes over in NTRMin and other places.
Ask friend and foe and neutral alike in Hoge's and Ray's boards,
about my intentions and agendas :)
Do some inquiring...then please come back and let's chat as new-founds friends!!
God bless you, boppysbud, and all others for being one of God's children and Called ones :)