Borders of my responsibility

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My name is Volodymyr, I’m from Ukraine and I’m looking for an advice.
First of all, I suffer from a scrupulosity, so I rarely know how to deal with moral dilemmas.

I am avid reader (I love to read printed magazines about politics, history and sports), but I have a problem with this. All the magazines have their correspondents and columnists, who are paid for their job. I don’t know if those columnists pay taxes from their money. I guess not all of them do this. Moreover, there were some rumours about “grey” salaries in some Ukrainian media.

I am just wondering where is the borders of my responsibility.
Is it my responsibility when I buy and read those printed media?
Should I trust my doubts and those rumours about “black” salaries?
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It’s not your responsibility. I do see that you mentioned you are scrupulous. I would put this concern into that category. Relax and enjoy what you like to read 🙂 you can also talk to a priest further about this so he can advise you too!! But nothing to stress about with this
What someone else does or doesn’t do with his salary is not your responsibility, and it certainly doesn’t make reading what they’ve written immoral to read.

Since you struggle with scrupulosity, you should refrain from asking these kinds of questions online. You will get a variety of answers from well intentioned people, but many of those people won’t really be qualified to help you, and many of their answers will contradict. This will only further your scrupulosity. Seek help offline from a priest and maybe a counselor, so you can work on the proper formation of conscience as well as any underlying issues that may be driving this.

You are in my prayers.

-Father ACEGC
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