Finally got around to watching “LOTR”. What a big disappointment! I can’t believe all the hype and attention given to these movies—even an Academy Award for best pic!!!
Sure, sure–some great special effects–big whoop these days.
Great scenery—thanks to N.Z.
But the story was just plain boring. I was literally falling asleep during yet another “rousing” battle. The kid who played Frodo looked at all times as if he was about to burst into tears—probably because he knew he would again soon be at the very brink of peril
! only to be literally pulled to safety again and again and again. After too many of these episodes, you cease to care about the weepy little fella.
I am very glad they cast Ian McKellen as Gandalf—I could watch him all day. He does more with one eyebrow than all the humanly effort of most actors.
I’m not saying these were bad movies–just not at all as good as they have been portrayed by everyone. What would they do without the great N.Z. scenery and swooping helicopter shots?!?
The first two Harry Potter movies are much better in every way except for scenery.
I sincerely hope the LOTR books are better than these movies–although I am certainly not apt to pick them up after yawning through most of the DVDs.
Sure, sure–some great special effects–big whoop these days.
Great scenery—thanks to N.Z.
But the story was just plain boring. I was literally falling asleep during yet another “rousing” battle. The kid who played Frodo looked at all times as if he was about to burst into tears—probably because he knew he would again soon be at the very brink of peril

I am very glad they cast Ian McKellen as Gandalf—I could watch him all day. He does more with one eyebrow than all the humanly effort of most actors.
I’m not saying these were bad movies–just not at all as good as they have been portrayed by everyone. What would they do without the great N.Z. scenery and swooping helicopter shots?!?
The first two Harry Potter movies are much better in every way except for scenery.
I sincerely hope the LOTR books are better than these movies–although I am certainly not apt to pick them up after yawning through most of the DVDs.