Boston Archbishop to Homosexuals: "Because we love you, we cannot accept your behavio

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Boston Archbishop to Homosexuals: "Because we love you, we cannot accept your behavior."

BOSTON, November 28, 2005 ( - Boston Archbishop Sean O’Malley wrote a pastoral letter last week calling on Catholics to show true love to persons with homosexual tendencies. This is done he said by telling them that homosexual acts are sinful, he said. Otherwise, the bishop continued, we are dangerously “deceiving people.”

After clarifying that the Catholic Church does not tolerate unjust discrimination towards persons with homosexual tendencies, the leader of the Catholic Church in Boston reminded Catholics that although Jesus did not condemn the woman caught in adultery, he did however - after saving her life - tell her “Go and sin no more.” Archbishop O’Malley thus tells some Catholics who are misled into false kindness towards those with homosexual tendencies, “If we tell people that sex outside of marriage is not a sin, we are deceiving people.” The pastor of souls, who’s first priority is the spiritual wellbeing of his flock, warns that that spiritual wellbeing may be threatened by such false kindness. “If they believe this untruth, a life of virtue becomes all but impossible,” he warned.

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Wow, this is great! He really hit the nail on the head. I hope these statements will help wake up some of the liberal Catholics out there who condone homosexuality out of a misguided belief that they are being “kind and loving”!
In presenting the message of truth, the Archbishop counsels, “We must never deliver the message in a self-righteous way, but rather with compassion and humility.”
Yes. And that is what he has done. Its a worthy model to imitate.
BOSTON Archbishop!!!

There is still hope outside the Midwest!!!
No doubt the Catholic Churchs conflation of homosexuality with peadophilia will remind secular readers that Humpty Dumpty sent a message to the fish.

And if that is too obscure think what sins we commit to ‘save’ people? Beams, motes, pots and kettles.

It’s nothing to be proud of.
Wow, this is great! He really hit the nail on the head. I hope these statements will help wake up some of the liberal Catholics out there who condone homosexuality out of a misguided belief that they are being “kind and loving”!
False compassion - it’s more about us and our not wanting to feel bad than hurting soneone with the truth, which will ultimately save.
False compassion - it’s more about us and our not wanting to feel bad than hurting soneone with the truth, which will ultimately save.
sometimes love is not kind.
sometimes love is not kind.
But given the rhetoric from our side it is very clear that our ‘love’ is really hate, and our rhetoric simple dishonesty.
No doubt the Catholic Churchs conflation of homosexuality with peadophilia will remind secular readers that Humpty Dumpty sent a message to the fish.

And if that is too obscure think what sins we commit to ‘save’ people? Beams, motes, pots and kettles.

It’s nothing to be proud of.
You definitely win the award for Mr. Negativity. Criteria for this award: someone who puts a negative spin on this issue no matter what. I’m from the Boston area and really like ArchBishop O’Malley. He’s taken alot of heat from the dissenters in this area (and there’s lots of them) and has stayed true to himself and the teachings of the Church throughout - God Bless him!
sometimes love is not kind.
This is a touch off topic…but I get accused of this all the time. A dear girlfriend of mine will not ‘hurt anybody’s feelings’ no matter if she disobeys her spiritual director. I also have the same director. Our ‘boss’ at work sells voo-doo charms and the priest told us we should quit if she sells anymore due to the obvious danger. I talked to her last Sunday but my friend will not follow through as she does not want to hurt the boss’s feelings. It is the boss’s store she retorts and she could do what she wants. I responded you would rather not hurt the boss’s feelings and totally disobey your director. She responded yes. I walked away disillusioned…big time…and yet people love her because she is so nice…😦
Yes although those to whom it may concern don’t probably see it that way, it is a Spiritual work of mercy to admonish the sinner.
Well said Bishop. :bible1:
This is a touch off topic…but I get accused of this all the time. A dear girlfriend of mine will not ‘hurt anybody’s feelings’ no matter …]

I have a dear old friend who is an alcoholic, and has no idea when to stop what he is doing. We have had a lot of fights because he has got himself so drunk that he is hurting himself, insulting others, and sometimesending up mugged, or unable to turn up to work, and I’ve told him it isn acceptable, responsible or adult. I’m sure he’ll get over this one say. But what stands out is this.

His actions are real, and the damaging consequences are visible, identifiable, and even costable (1 day off= £900). When I compare and contrast this to the supposed damage of homosexuality to the soul, it doesnt even begin to match up to real measurable harm.

Of course, the lifestyle issues are different (HIV for example) but they are not limited to gay people.

Anyway, despite the fights, I still dont desert him. Someone has to get him home safe and sound (though he is thankless and sometimes runs off and gets himself into trouble again).
When I compare and contrast this to the supposed damage of homosexuality to the soul, it doesnt even begin to match up to real measurable harm.

Anyway, despite the fights, I still dont desert him. Someone has to get him home safe and sound (though he is thankless and sometimes runs off and gets himself into trouble again).

You seem like a great friend. It is tragic your friend is dealing with such a burden, I’m sure we all here will pray for him.

How is the possible loss of one’s soul IS NOT measurable harm? While we personally can’t condemn someone to hell for their actions, they certainly can be told their sins may indeed send them there. Is it not out of love for someone that you’d want them to reform themselves so as to spend eternity with our Lord?

How does the Church desert sinners? There are a lot of resources available to those dealing with sins of any nature. It is unfortunate that anyone has to bear Christ’s cross (although many saints considered it a blessing) but that we all have to do. We can’t take away the burden of sin (only Jesus can), but we can help each other make it better. The Church has many resources available for the homosexual to help bear that cross.

You seem like a great friend. It is tragic your friend is dealing with such a burden, I’m sure we all here will pray for him.

How is the possible loss of one’s soul IS NOT measurable harm? While we personally can’t condemn someone to hell for their actions, they certainly can be told their sins may indeed send them there. Is it not out of love for someone that you’d want them to reform themselves so as to spend eternity with our Lord?

How does the Church desert sinners? There are a lot of resources available to those dealing with sins of any nature. It is unfortunate that anyone has to bear Christ’s cross (although many saints considered it a blessing) but that we all have to do. We can’t take away the burden of sin (only Jesus can), but we can help each other make it better. The Church has many resources available for the homosexual to help bear that cross.
Very well said - speaking the truth in charity.
I have a dear old friend who is an alcoholic, and has no idea when to stop what he is doing. We have had a lot of fights because he has got himself so drunk that he is hurting himself, insulting others, and sometimesending up mugged, or unable to turn up to work, and I’ve told him it isn acceptable, responsible or adult. I’m sure he’ll get over this one say. But what stands out is this.

His actions are real, and the damaging consequences are visible, identifiable, and even costable (1 day off= £900). When I compare and contrast this to the supposed damage of homosexuality to the soul, it doesnt even begin to match up to real measurable harm.

Of course, the lifestyle issues are different (HIV for example) but they are not limited to gay people.

Anyway, despite the fights, I still dont desert him. Someone has to get him home safe and sound (though he is thankless and sometimes runs off and gets himself into trouble again)./QUOTE]

Some might call this enabling.
I have a dear old friend who is an alcoholic, and has no idea when to stop what he is doing.
He does know when to stop, he simply does not want to. Sorry if that sounds harsh, but it’s true. I don’t mean to put down your friend. You sound like a good friend, perhaps you should look into how to help him stop instead of how to help him get home.

You sound like someone who is not religious. Is that true? If you are religious, you need to re-evaluate your belief system.
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