Boston Globe article on embryonic stem cells is frightening

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There’s an article in the Boston Globe today that accompanies news about Bill Frist’s support for expanded use of embryonic stem cells that is simply frightening in it’s content. The bulk of the article talks about how excited many scientists are with the news that Frist now supports some of their causes in regards to using embryonic stem cells for research. There’s a paragraph towards the end of the article that just made the hair on my neck stand up straight. I quote: “Meanwhile, there has been a rush of scientific work, creating new, better cell lines. Some of the newer lines seem to grow more easily; some have been developed with far fewer animal products, making them potentially safer. ***And some scientists have created embryonic stem cell lines that contain genetic flaws that lead to certain diseases, making them especially valuable to researchers who study those diseases.” ***I may be reading that last line wrong but it seems to imply that some scientists are purposely establishing genetic flaws in a human embryo for the sole purpose of studying it and researching it’s outcome. Is this monsterous or what!!! In regards to Senator Frist, his position on stem cells is disingenuous and callously political. Even the ultra-liberal Globe’s editorial page while praising his change of heart to “their side” admits his absurd sophistry: I quote: "The bill would clear the Senate easily were it not for the prolife lobby. Frist, who does not want to run afoul of this group if he seeks the presidency, said yesterday, “An embryo is nascent human life.” His position is disingenuous. If surplus eggs are human beings, they deserve legal protection, but they are an aggregation of cells, not yet implanted in the womb."
The culture is sliding deeper and deeper into the abyss. God helps us all.
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