Botched abortion kills both mother & baby

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I do not know if this one about the infamous Dr. Tiller has been posted before, but saw this story out on WorldNetDaily:
Botched abortion kills both mother & baby

Posted: September 24, 2005
1:00 a.m. Eastern
© 2005

I have written only a handful of columns that required fighting back the tears. This is one of them.
The depravity of the Culture of Perversion is being exposed bit by bit. It is only a matter of time before the floodgates are opened wide.

This story—I am so upset that it’s hard to breathe. :crying: I can’t even think of the words to say…

Father, forgive us, for we do not know what we do.
Mom of one:
This story—I am so upset that it’s hard to breathe. :crying: I can’t even think of the words to say…

Father, forgive us, for we do not know what we do.
Reading the story, I am wondering if there is not more to the story. Sounds like a little eugenics going on there too.

I do not know if this one about the infamous Dr. Tiller has been posted before
Yes, WanderAimlessly, I posted this story from Operation Rescue on Sept.14 but thanks for putting up the link from World Net Daily as only 34 people viewed the original thread.

In case you’re wondering why a Canadian follows updates from O.R. it is because our government sends patients to Dr. Tiller for late-term abortions if they can’t get one in time at home.
Yes, WanderAimlessly, I posted this story from Operation Rescue on Sept.14 but thanks for putting up the link from World Net Daily as only 34 people viewed the original thread.

In case you’re wondering why a Canadian follows updates from O.R. it is because our government sends patients to Dr. Tiller for late-term abortions if they can’t get one in time at home.
Can you post the OR link again? I think that people would like to read it.
request by Mom of One:Can you post the OR link again?

The parents took Christin back to the abortuary not once, not twice but three times for three consecutive days after she suffered complications such as vomiting and loss of consciousness. Why no one intervened sooner and sent her to a hospital is gross negligence. Why the perpetrator who raped Christin has never been brought to justice shows callous contempt; cruel indifference to the duty of society to protect the weakest and most vulnerable among us.

Serious questions should be asked like why the remains of the dead infant were not kept for DNA evidence of the man who fathered the child. As has already been pointed out, in an earlier post, this Dr. Tiller has been shredding evidence to obstruct the investigation. NARAL is more interested in protecting the privacy of criminals then to discover who is responsible for Christin’s martyrdom for “free choice.” It sounds like she never had a choice: not to say no to her rapist; not to say no to her parents; not to say no to her abortionist. In the end, she couldn’t even say, “No, mommy please don’t take me back there.”
Rosalinda said:

The parents took Christin back to the abortuary not once, not twice but three times for three consecutive days after she suffered complications such as vomiting and loss of consciousness. Why no one intervened sooner and sent her to a hospital is gross negligence. Why the perpetrator who raped Christin has never been brought to justice shows callous contempt; cruel indifference to the duty of society to protect the weakest and most vulnerable among us.

Serious questions should be asked like why the remains of the dead infant were not kept for DNA evidence of the man who fathered the child. As has already been pointed out, in an earlier post, this Dr. Tiller has been shredding evidence to obstruct the investigation. NARAL is more interested in protecting the privacy of criminals then to discover who is responsible for Christin’s martyrdom for “free choice.” It sounds like she never had a choice: not to say no to her rapist; not to say no to her parents; not to say no to her abortionist. In the end, she couldn’t even say, “No, mommy please don’t take me back there.”

IMO, her parents bear a huge responsibility in her death by not taking her DIRECTLY to the hospital when she was vomiting and losing consciousness instead of back to the death clinic. It looks to me that they were involved in a cover-up also. I wonder if the rapist was her father. …:mad:
OK, I’m going to try to not go nuts with anger while I type this.:banghead: I can’t for the life of me figure out how such cavalier disregard for a young woman’s life can be tolerated by the feminists. They claim that they care about women, but to flip out whenever there is discussion of having clinics meet certain standards shows the absolute fallacy of their position. Having this woman go to a hotel to await the start of her labor, misdiagnosing her symptoms and giving her poor follow-up care, and then basically misleading the ambulance crew as to the seriousness of her condition is beyond negligence. (yes, I realize that misdiagnosis of someone’s condition does happen, but combined with everything else it is just disgusting!!!) And then to cover it up… What are the feminists thinking when this is acceptable? How dare they allow a woman to be treated this way! I’ll bet the millions I don’t have that they wouldn’t allow such lack of care for their dog or cat!
IMO, her parents bear a huge responsibility in her death by not taking her DIRECTLY to the hospital when she was vomiting and losing consciousness instead of back to the death clinic. It looks to me that they were involved in a cover-up also. I wonder if the rapist was her father. …:mad:
That could be, or it could be that they were just following the doctor’s instructions. Some people look up to the doctor as being a god, and therefore he is right about everything.
Reading the story, I am wondering if there is not more to the story. Sounds like a little eugenics going on there too.

That was my reaction, too…Somebody decided that she was somehow “subhuman”, that her baby was even more “subhuman”.

I have to believe that both she and the baby are with our Lord. Surely, they were both innocents.
This :crying: breaks my heart…I wonder if she even was given the choice or if it was:mad: forced on her.
I am just numb with anger. Anger for the murders, the lack of justice being served, and the negligence of the clinic. :mad:
.I wonder if she even was given the choice or if it was:mad: forced on her.
Zooey, I have a friend who is “intellectually challenged” and over and over again it frustrates me how easily she can be manipulated by people who do not have her best interest at heart. In point of fact, she has been repeatedly exploited. How many times she has sworn she will never trust _____ and afterwards I learn she has been hoodwinked and swindled again.

Unfortunately, in all probability, Cristine believed and trusted everything her parents told her.
Sadly, that’s what I think most likely happened…Christin :crying: trusted her family, she:crying: trusted the doctor.:crying: What a horrible, horrible tragedy.
Whatever is done to the smallest amongst you, it is to God Himself that you do it. God’s justice is perfect, and it will be the final word.

Have mercy on us all, Lord, have mercy.
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