Boycotting abortion advocates

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A few years ago, at a pro-life talk, the lecturer told us we shouldn’t support for example a painting company that painted an abortion facility…

I’m working on refraining from listening to musical artists who I know vocally support abortion, or the pro-abortion movement. When do we separate the work from the artist? I don’t want my money supporting an abortion rally, but then again, I’d pretty much have to cut myself off from the world to achieve that. Even companies that you buy your toothpaste from probably belong to that greater cooporation that sells birth control or condoms…

How far do we boycott?

Do any of you boycott products? What products? I’d love to hear if I have any support out there! And the things I should be aware of, where my money could inadvertently be going…

God bless 🙂
I’m having trouble with this issue too. It seems like every company “donates” to planned parenthood. 😦 It might be easier to have a list of who and what we CAN buy, it would be alot shorter and easier to manage at the store. Is there a way we can find out who donated the most? If we knew which say top five companies donated the most money we could more easily boycott. I like the short list idea better though.

As far as the music goes no one earns anything when you listen to it on the radio or a cd borrowed from the library or a friend. Same with movies, libraries usually don’t charge to borrow those either. I know the libraries bought it, but they would anyway.

I also avoid shops like Abercrombie & Fitch, their catalogs border on pornographic.
I boycott but only when the company has a pretty direct relationship.

Currently I boycott Proctor and Gamble and Kodak but neither is over abortion. My kids aren’t old enough to want to shop at Abercrombie and Fitch but I will boycot them too for the reason you mentioned.

You are right that we would hardly be able to go the the store is we eliminated every group that donates anything to a pro abortion cause. Even if we tried, the grocery store chain itself might be a contributor.

There are many charities that I no longer support due to their pro-abortion or fetal stem cell research agenda.

It is also important that if you boycott, you let the company know that you are and why.
I boycott Hagen-Daz (it’s really hard, believe me) because they donate to Planned Parenthood. I try to buy from Nike because they donate to Pro-Life causes.

I know there are lists floating around with who donates to what, but part of me doesn’t want to see them 😦
I dont get myself worked up with this anymore…somewhat I do…such as if I come across the info…but I dont look it up…I dont have the time…life is too short…and I also play hypocrite…cause quite simply, if I really love a product, and CANNOT find a (suitable) replacement…I’m gonna use it…invaribly, I find things and people and music and movies I loved always end up differing from me…and I aint interested in retreating from the world… MIke Farrell wants me to stop eating grapes…I love grapes…sorry for those migrant farmers but I am eating grapes…Levis, Kodak, etc…back gay agendas…

and as far as Deodorants and toothpaste… what if we discovered that EVERY manufacturer DIRECTLY gave our money to Planned Parenthood?

THIS is what is known as indirect material cooperation…when there is no choice…cause quite frankly, I choose not to stink and not forgo personal care due to some companyy funding abortion…its THEIR SIN what they do with my money…I am in need of a product… the Church doesnt say I have to spend my life looking into companies and what they support, therefore I aint gonna… I look at it like this…they got my money, but I use their products to go to church and pray and vote…whether its clothing, personal care, feeding hungry people…etc…
Did you ever take a look at the Saint Antoninus Institute’s Pro-life Shopping Guide? I know I try to do as much as I can to boycott some of these companies. Go to and look at the guide.
This is an extremely important issue, and one, in my mind, that is far more important than whom we elect to political office. I mentioned this on the social justice and shopping thread, but everyone here should be familiar with the Texas hero Christopher Danze. This brave man has organized a builders’ and contractors’ boycott that has brought to a halt the production of a what Planned Parenthood intends to be America’s largest abortuary. Here is a link ot a story that I wrote on Danze:

and here is a link to his website:

Saint Antoninus does great work, and I’m glad to see that they are still up and running. They are well worthy of your support. not only do I think that we should boycott corporations that fund baby killing, I think we should refuse to do business with businesses that do business with baby killers. Let your local dry cleaners know that they will no longer get your laundry as long as the do the laundry of the local baby killer. Let the lawn service that cuts the grass in front of the local slaughterhouse know that they will not do your lawn. Who refills the water cooler at the local abortuary? Who handles their office supplies? Seals their driveway? spread the word that these people are taking profits from the blood of innocent children.

Chris C.
Check out Life Decisions International.

They say they’ve had 108 Companies stop giving to Planned Parenthood because of boycotts and public pressure.

One of the founders of LDI is Patricia Pitkus Bainbridge, the head of my Diocese Respect Life office. We’re very blessed to have her. She is a real force in the Pro-life movement and has a great Catholic Convert story to boot!

They have an updated list you can order. I need to get my hands on it too, because I haven’t done my part lately. 😦

I also think its important to note that there are “boycott” lists out there that are inaccurate and out of date. You won’t have that problem with LDI.

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