Boycotting Christmas

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I know I haven’t posted anything for a while, and well, my faith is on a continual lapse-relapse cycle…it’s awful, but I’m dealing. Anyway, I’m posting now to tell you that I am boycotting christmas before it’s too late.

At an early age, I was indoctrinated into the belief that Christmas was about presents. I was “taught” that christmas was a time that santa came and gave everyone presents, then everyone had dinner and when the family left, my immediate family would rant and rave about so and so and gossip about their hair, choices, outfits, you name it. It got pretty vicious. Every year I asked for a hamster, eventually, it became the only item on my list to santa/parents. When I was about 10, they gave my sister a hamster, she didn’t even want it. I was crushed and that ended my want for presents. As I got older, I still attended the festivities, however, I noticed that I became this so and so that everyone gossiped about, even my own mother would chime in with her 2 cents.

Now, I am married and live with my dh. I work as a cash manager to support my education. I have NEVER in my life detested christmas more. People are so incredibly rude. They want, want, want to get that present/decoration at the lowest cost and if you ring in an item that is 4 cents higher, they scream bloody murder until they get it. Numerous times I’ve almost quit because customers are so rude. They’ve forgotten what christmas is about apparently.
Also, splitting the holiday between dh’s and my family has been terrible, almost every year I would go to my place, he would go to his. This year, I’m going to his place christmas eve and morning, and then we’re going to my parents for dinner. His parents are thrilled and have always been understanding. My mother, on the other hand, was so mad that I wouldn’t be there they entire day that she hung up on me…enough said.

SO I’m boycotting christmas next year, staying home, not putting up any decorations, not buying any gifts, it’s a meaningless holiday now. I understand that christmas is about Jesus, and it’s great for those who celebrate it as such, but for the rest of the world, I wish them bah humbug…
I would suggest staying home, putting up your decorations, attending Mass, and doing all this with ONLY your hubby.
No to the consumerism and no to the “family”.
Celebrate the birth of our Savior. Nothing else.
(I’d start looking for another job soon too 🙂 )
Thanks Catsrus, that is an alternative. I like my job, it’s stress relief…usually…from school and everything, but I’m on holidays from classes and needed the money so I offered to work full time for 2 weeks…probably shouldn’t have done that.
I would suggest staying home, putting up your decorations, attending Mass, and doing all this with ONLY your hubby.
No to the consumerism and no to the “family”.
Celebrate the birth of our Savior. Nothing else.
(I’d start looking for another job soon too 🙂 )
I second this! You cannot control someone’s reaction to your decisions; you can only control your decisions. If you do as above, you will truly enjoy the season!
When I get upset by the greed and consumerism, this thought often helps. Most of those people swarming the malls are there to buy gifts for someone else. They’re there, in lines, braving the crowds, for someone else, not themselves. There is good to be found if you look hard enough 😉
When I get upset by the greed and consumerism, this thought often helps. Most of those people swarming the malls are there to buy gifts for someone else. They’re there, in lines, braving the crowds, for someone else, not themselves. There is good to be found if you look hard enough 😉
Very true! Just take a look at the mountain of presents that was in my church this weekend – all donated for people in need, who would otherwise have had nothing at all under their trees.
I hate the consumerism too, but I will not give up the celebration of one of the greatest fests of the Church because of it. Do something religious to celebrate. I went Caroling with our Church to differnt places where people need some cheering up. Get stuff together for a local Crisis Pregnancy center. But, reading this thread, I can’t help but paste a beautiful but sad story I found recently.

Mary’s Dream

I had a dream, Joseph.

I don’t understand it, but I think it was about a birthday celebration for our son.

The people in my dream had been preparing for about six weeks.

They had decorated the house and bought new clothes.

They’d gone shopping many times and bought many elaborate gifts.

It was peculiar, though, because the presents weren’t for our son.

They wrapped them in beautiful paper and stacked them under a tree.

Yes, a tree, Joseph, right inside their homes! They’d decorated the tree with sparkling ornaments.

There was a figure like an angel on the top of the tree.

Everyone was laughing and happy.

They gave the gifts to each other, Joseph, not to our son.

I don’t think they even knew him.

They never mentioned his name.

I had the strangest feeling that, if our Jesus had gone to this celebration he would have been intruding.

How sad for someone not to be wanted at his own birthday party!

I’m glad it was only a dream. How terrible Joseph, if it had been real!’

Author Unknown.
In India Catholics do not give gifts at all; in fact they would be stunned at the Consumerism in North America. They focus on being a good Christian to prepare for Christ, and being with their family to share their time and love. My parents are Indian and we do not give each other gifts either. We do not take offense if no one gives us a gift; we could care less…we have everything we need.

As a suggestion, this goes for anyone, instead of giving gifts to each other make a donation in one of your family member’s name. Perhaps to their favourite Charity. Give of your time and love rather than money and material.

No wonder people want to boycott Christmas; I would too if I didn’t know what Christmas meant.
-God bless

I have been in the same situation as you, only we had two grandparents place his family and my family all on the same day, Too much food! They all fought this one was no good that one no good. We, finally, I think God intervined in a not nice way, but the results ended up to be good.

My son 2.5 years old became very ill, he could not walk, sit, crawl, be awake with out blood curtialing sreams of pain. We came home from days in the hospital on christmas eve. We decided to stay home that year. My son recovered, reaction to chicken poxes and a very rare diagnosis. Well, since that year we have stayed home and the kids love it, we don’t have to listen to anyone except the kids. We visit the others either before or after boxing day. It has made our lives much more enjoyable at christmas.

Do it for yourself and DH. Just spend the time together, heck maybe even go out to a movie, just enjoy the day and the time together. Christmas isn’t about rush, gossip and who got the best present, it is about love, peace and joy, Do that with DH.

Enjoy the season.

My $0.02.

Pour your heart, soul, mind and every fiber of your being at the Christ-Mass that you will be attending. Make a manger of your heart and let Christ incarnate in the silence of your heart. After which, be at peace. Then the festivities and all else is just icing.

in XT.
instead of boycotting Christmas, boycott your family, because it sounds like your relationship with them is at the root of your feelings, not the holy day itself. Now you are married, you and your husband make your own traditions, make Christmas what you want it to be for your own little family. Jettison anything with negative vibes, or “baptize” it with your own spin on it.

Like the cookies without the hassle of baking them and the competitive aspect of who makes the best? Buy them.

Like presents without the emotional baggage? Agree on a present for the two of you, and get it.

Family get-togethers mega-stressful? Go away together, even if it is just staying in a motel downtown and walking around the city. Your excuse can be we need to get away and this is the only time we can get off work. No need to tell anyone where you are going.

Like church without the crowds at Midnight Mass? go to Mass early in the morning.

Like Christmas carols but hate the mall/pop radio versions? get a CD of traditional music or find a website or radio station that plays the good stuff. I have set TIVO to record all the good concerts - St. Olaf’s, Mormon Tabernacle, Corpus Christi Cathedral etc.

One gift I will never forget from when my kids were little, is from co-workers without kids who volunteered to work holidays (ours was 24/7 operation, a chemical plant) so others could have the family time.

I always hated football on holidays, which is all-consuming in DH’s family, so for years me and the kids assisted my cousin who ran the Salvation Army shelter in serving a holiday meal and later visiting with the residents, playing games, jigsaw puzzles, carols etc. find a way to do something for others and really make this a special time you look forward to instead of dreading.
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