I am sorry to hear you are so sad. I imagine this must be very difficult for you. I think that your boyfriend should get a spiritual director and talk about this. Have faith that God knows what is best and would never allow him to be a priest unless he was called to be.
Also, for your knowledge, Catholic priests can be married men who became a priest after marriage in different Catholic rites. The Latin Catholic Rite usually prefers single men who become priests, but the Eastern Catholic Rites (and I don’t mean Orthodox Christian) ordain married men to the priesthood. Just be sure he talks that over with a spiritual director – **do not **move forward toward marriage until he has discerned with a conservative Priest and met with him for two years. Go to Adoration weekly, pray, go to Mass. Ask God to fill you both with peace and to help you trust Him. God wants the best for you!! He wants you to be happy. Let Him be the author of your love life. Your future spouse may be your boyfriend, or another young man. Remember to honor whoever your future spouse may be with your life
right now.
Also, take heart. Jason Evert who is a popular chastity speaker fell in love several times before he met his current wife. Each time he tried to pursue marriage, but they ended up with another person. Even though the break ups were very difficult to go through, God had a plan for his future. Check out his website
www.chastityproject.com and if you look at the Answers section on the top of the page then click Dating > Q & A you’ll find a Breaking Up section and I think you should look at those questions and answers. They may give you more advice.
Take this opportunity to allow yourself to grow in the virtues and reach out to people who are in more need than you are right now. I know this is hard.