What about the spirit and God, our Great Spirit activating our brain and wiring?
Let us use the metaphor of electrical wiring: we notice when it is faulty and blame the wires and/or the electrician. Who made the wires? Who made the copper that goes into the wire? Who made the tiniest molecule that became copper, was mined, manufactured, sold and used to wire a car, home, or appliance?
Two people can suffer the same blow to the head and yet one acts peculiar and gets brain damage while the other gets a bruise and a headache and is better next month. Why?
The nerve “wiring” in our body takes up less than 2% of the space yet enervates our senses: eyes, ears, mouth, nose, and touch, as well as all of the organs of the body. It is amazing that it doesn’t run askew more often than it does.
Is it just a random turn of the wheel or is there an order?
Many want to work the “random” idea lately, believing it is brave and true; what if the braver and truer theory were that there is a much wiser, higher, power whose actions appear random at times but who actually has an order, an infinite intelligence, a great power, light, and love. My brain feels more wired toward that possibility. Human actions and behaviors throughout time indicate the presence of something deeper and much more personal.
If there are few scientists pursuing God in the equation, we might question the bias in science. Wouldn’t the God option be worth some consideration at the very least when we ponder the human brain?.