Breaking a Promise with the Lord

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Bear with me, but I need a bit of advice and it’s a long story. I have a bird, a dove, whom came to me in a time of great need. I hadn’t seen friends in a while and was getting severely depressed. On a night I was supposed to see friends, I had a feeling, almost as if it was a voice, in the back of my mind. Now, I have a habit I hate and have tried time and time again to break. That night, the feeling/voice indicated that, should I avoid the temptation of that habit, perhaps a reward would come to me. This was also around the time I had lost a bird (a budgie) I previously had. Her cage was attacked and she flew away. I considered getting a dove but I had lived in my parents house at the time and judging on my parents’ attitudes, I would not be getting another budgie anytime soon. Particularly because of the noise. considered getting a dove. I was in desperate need of a friend, someone, as it was not a great time for me.That aside, I did resist the temptation. Though, as that night I had planned with friends did not work out, I dismissed the thought/feeling/voice as simply wishful thinking. The next day, a beautiful dove, tamest bird I had ever seen, had arrived on my doorstep, quite literally. He stayed there for quite some time and, as there was a hawk looming around overhead, I made the promise to take as best care for him as I could, should he let me bring him indoors. To this day, I have him, named Angel, along with anither dove, Baby, to keep him company.

Recently, while outside, a falcon attacked their cage and, to keep it short, I almost lost Angel, who had by this time become something of a child to me. I had not broken the aforementioned habit, as much as I had bren trying, but promised to God, while in shock, never to give into it again, just please let Angel live. A promise, after months, that was broken tonight. I am ashamed of it and seek forgiveness, though I am unsure if such a thing is forgivable. I love my Angel, and consider him a gift from God. He is my best friend and I may not be here today with out him.

Is there any way such a promise can be mended? I don’t intend to pretend as if it never happened, but I am willing to try again. If anything, I seek only forgiveness. I am truly sorry for having broken said promise and just need advice. Thank you in advance.
This is something that you should talk about with your confessor.
What do you mean when you say that the promise was broken ?
You need a good confessor.

It is not advised to make promises to God. God is not going to kill your pet just because you sinned. Worry about what the sin does to your relationship with God.
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