Breaking an oath to God

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Okay so i swore on the Bible before that I would never cut my own hair again (long story okay) when I was younger.

Does this mean I have to keep this oath for the rest of my life?

I’m not too bothered if it does but I would just like to know anyway.
Okay so i swore on the Bible before that I would never cut my own hair again (long story okay) when I was younger.

Does this mean I have to keep this oath for the rest of my life?

I’m not too bothered if it does but I would just like to know anyway.
Who did you swear that to?
cut my own hair again
So it is a promissory oath which you had the intention of fulfilling. I believe that if it is grave matter then intentionally not fulfilling it would be mortal but if it is not grave matter then the same would be venial.
It doesn’t sound like a grave matter from your description, but you shouldn’t break vows you’ve made even so. Talk to a parish priest and ask him to dispense you of your oath.
First, this is not the kind of thing you should be making an oath about.

Second, the state of mind matters - were you thinking at the time that this was a commitment to something for life? Probably not… unless you thought this explicitly - as it is reasonable to think that such a thing would not bind except under certain circumstances…

So third - do the same circumstances obtain? Namely, are you living under your mother’s care and rule? If so, it would seem the oath binds, under pain of venial sin (as the matter is light - but this is still sin, which we should avoid at all costs, even to the point of death!)… You could ask your mother to relieve you of it - tell her it is causing you moral distress, but that you are committed to doing the same thing, that you just don’t want it on pain of sin…
Cutting your hair is simply your own choice, God does not hold us to these sorts of personal promises.

ETA: If you are a minor, you need to obey the rules your parents set for you. I was the super free-range “It is only hair, it will grow back” mom. Other moms do not share my parenting methods.
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So you mangled your hair as a kid and mom made you swear on a Bible never to do it again? 😆

Frankly, I think you’re right “not to be bothered by it.” It all sounds more silly than anything. I don’t think you’re bond by promises you made 1) as a kid and 2) presumably with an angry mom leaning over you.
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