Breaking Catholic Ties

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I think that rather than having the purpose of becoming “born again”. The real problem is that these people are not able to attend Masses in their native language or even a language that they can understand, so they attend places that cater to their needs better. Saddly the protestants are doing a better job making immigrants and non-English speakers feel at home than Catholics.
I think that rather than having the purpose of becoming “born again”. The real problem is that these people are not able to attend Masses in their native language or even a language that they can understand, so they attend places that cater to their needs better. Saddly the protestants are doing a better job making immigrants and non-English speakers feel at home than Catholics.
No, the problem is that very few Hispanic Catholics actually understand their faith at all. I’m speaking from first-hand knowledge here, coming from a long line of them on my father’s mother’s side. I am continually amazed at how devout the members of my family are, yet have no idea what they believe. My grandmother recently related to me that she had attended a Lutheran church for years after she moved out of her home, because she thought all the churches were the same. I don’t think any of the members of her family have a clue as to what the Real Presence is, or how the Catholic Church is the one true faith. Thus, evangelicals and fundamentalists are finding it incredibly easy to proselytize them.
Dr. Colossus:
No, the problem is that very few Hispanic Catholics actually understand their faith at all… Thus, evangelicals and fundamentalists are finding it incredibly easy to proselytize them.
Agreed. They’re easy targets, and they’re being duped. I’m always more than a tad annoyed by “missionaries” who think make recruiting Catholics out of the One True Church their mission in life.
An ignorant Catholic is easy prey for the evangelicals.

Pax Christi. <><
I don’t think it’s about the language. It may depend on where you are, but we have no shortage of Spanish Masses and activities. Really, no shortage at all. I’m guessing it’s not enough catechesis. If their faith is mostly cultural, and there’s not enough understanding of why the Church teaches what it does, and why the Catholic Church is unlike any other, they’ll be easy to draw off with a few select Bible verses, friendly people, and fun activities.
Among Latin Americans the faith is very warm and emotional. Too bad we don’t all have some of that. But the previous posts are correct in that the problem is catechesis.

The average Anglo-American Catholic has the very same problem of catechesis. Without all of that warmth.

The local RC parishes around where I live are cold, hard places.

The people who post on this board are a self-selected lot, already animated by the faith and in one way or another pretty well informed about religious matters. Many are self taught because the training wasn’t adequate when we were young (or we didn’t care as much then).

Let’s just say that the 10 thousand members of this board are not representative of the rank and file members of the church. The English, Spanish and Portuguese speaking members of the church in the Americas have a lot of catching up to do, and they don’t even know it.
The people who post on this board are a self-selected lot, already animated by the faith and in one way or another pretty well informed about religious matters. Many are self taught because the training wasn’t adequate when we were young (or we didn’t care as much then).
Boy did you get that right…I am self-taught, with much assistance over the past year from my priest…but had I been taught (and I went through six years of Catholic school and subsequent CCD) then what I know now, I may not have left for 25 years.

We also have many Spanish Masses in my area, so lack of a cultural service wouldn’t be a factor in my area.

Dr. Colossus:
No, the problem is that very few Hispanic Catholics actually understand their faith at all. I’m speaking from first-hand knowledge here, coming from a long line of them on my father’s mother’s side. I am continually amazed at how devout the members of my family are, yet have no idea what they believe. My grandmother recently related to me that she had attended a Lutheran church for years after she moved out of her home, because she thought all the churches were the same. I don’t think any of the members of her family have a clue as to what the Real Presence is, or how the Catholic Church is the one true faith. Thus, evangelicals and fundamentalists are finding it incredibly easy to proselytize them.
where do you think we are missing the boat here, and what do you think is the solution… i only ask you because of your first-hand knowledge… what do you think the church needs to fix, or can we?
Dr. Colossus:
No, the problem is that very few Hispanic Catholics actually understand their faith at all. I’m speaking from first-hand knowledge here, coming from a long line of them on my father’s mother’s side. I am continually amazed at how devout the members of my family are, yet have no idea what they believe. My grandmother recently related to me that she had attended a Lutheran church for years after she moved out of her home, because she thought all the churches were the same. I don’t think any of the members of her family have a clue as to what the Real Presence is, or how the Catholic Church is the one true faith. Thus, evangelicals and fundamentalists are finding it incredibly easy to proselytize them.
BINGO! I live in South Texas. There is no lack of Spanish mass, Spanish-speaking ministries, and priests who speak Spanish fluently. Yet people are converting like crazy. Why? People here (as well as folks in Mexico like my aunts and uncles) were very poorly catechized. So when someone comes up to them and explains that they are “idol worshippers” and need to be “born again” they have no defense! My aunt converted about 14 years ago. Every time I visit her, she hands me Jack Chick tracts in Spanish and explains to me how… well let’s see, the last one told me that the pope was responsible for the Holocaust and that our current pope is a communist (yes, they accuse the man who is perhaps single-handedly responsible for the fall of communism in Poland a communist!). The claims these people make to convert others are outrageous!

So what’s the solution? Catechesis and apologetics- and we must start with the young (and re-teach those of us who were the victims of wishy-washy Religious Ed/Youth Ministry from 1970-present). This is the problem with parishes (of all backgrounds) all over the country! Once our precious nuns disappeared, so did the quality catechesis young Catholics (both in and out of our Catholic schools). Every Catholic should be equipped with a Bible and a copy of the Catechism. They should learn their faith backwards and forwards. WHY do we allow only men into the priesthood? WHY are we such strong anti-abortion advocates? WHY no to birth control? WHY do we love and venerate Mary and the saints? WHY isn’t it idolatry? These are questions every Catholic should be able to answer and they CAN’T! And until they can- or at least begin to look for the answers- we will continue to lose numbers to churches that fall in the shadow of the Church established by Jesus Christ!
This is actually an old tactic that was alos used against Catholic immigrants in the late 19th & early 20th centuries. My father, a history professor & first-generation American, said that growing up he knew several other Italian immigrants that converted to these fundamentalist/whatever Protestant churches because they had been convinced that it would make them more “American”. He also said this happened with the Polish & other Eastern European Catholics. Some of them stayed, but many of them did eventually return to the Church. I suspect that the same will happen with the Hispanics. The desire to assimilate is strong, but we have to believe that the truth is stronger.

In the meantime, as many people have mentioned here, we loyal Catholics definitely have to step up our efforts. We American Catholics have been too quiet in the past, that’s for sure.
I think that rather than having the purpose of becoming “born again”. The real problem is that these people are not able to attend Masses in their native language or even a language that they can understand, so they attend places that cater to their needs better. Saddly the protestants are doing a better job making immigrants and non-English speakers feel at home than Catholics.
This is happening all over Latin America so, I’m afraid it’s not a matter of language. In fact, most of the evangelicals in the US have only English Language services in contrast to the Catholic Churches. All of the Churches in our area offer Spanish language Masses. I’m afraid we’re going to have to dig a little deeper, these superficial answers aren’t going to solve the problem.
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