Bringing friend back to the Church

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I was wondering if anyone had information on how to bring a friend back to the Church. Here is a brief synopsis:

One of my good friends (who was actually my sponsor going through RCIA) has been exploring her faith. She recently told me that she felt as though her Catholicism was just a series of check marks and has not really understood certain parts of our faith, such as the Eucharist. She is also dating someone who is not Catholic so she said she has tried to meet him in the middle and they have been seeking their faith together in other areas. Mainly, Protestant and Baptist based…

For one, I completely respect her search for Christ. However, I believe Catholicism is the one Church in which you can be the CLOSEST to Christ. She is open to reading materials, etc. My question for you all is: Do you have any materials or books that you would recommend for someone seeking to understand the Catholic faith a little more closely? Any websites that may have spiritual direction?

Thank you in advance! 🙂
Scott Hahn’s books.
Rome sweet home
Reasons to believe
The Lamb’s supper

Thomas Howards book - On being catholic
So glad you asked this, I just finished (drum roll, please…)

“Surprised by Truth” by Patrick Madrid. I am hoping my Baptist, ex-Catholic, proseletyzing friend will let me give it to him. (If I can JUST keep my obnoxiousness down!!! Yes, I am excited.)

This is a FANTASTIC book which taught me a great deal about non-Catholics, anti-Catholic prejudices, common misconceptions and even some outright lies. (For example: I was simply stunned by Martin Luther’s braggart quote about his right to insert something INTO Scripture!)

Here’s the description on the back: “These eleven personal conversion accounts are unlike any you’ve ever read- (definitely true for me) they’re packed with biblical, theological, and historical proofs for Catholicism. Each year thousands of atheists, Evangelicals, Fundamentalists, and Pentecostals are being surprised by Catholic truth- and these converts tell you why.”
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