A so called non-denominational Christian group on my college campus is having a talk about sex and chastity for one of its meetings. Does anyone think that it would be inappropriate for me to go and raise the issue or ask about contraception, since it is a general moral issue?
Is there a way that I could be tactful, and should I identify myself as Catholic? I know that almost all Christian churches were against contraception before the 30’s.
One, I wouldn’t call them “so called” since it is a bit dismissive, and they are likely as sincere in their intentions as you are.
It would be appropriate for you to disclose that you have catholic religious beliefs against contraception. However, I would discuss contraception from the position of the damage it has done as opposed to doctrine alone. There is a reason Catholics are against contraception, and it isn’t simply just become the church says so.
Some points is how the increase in contraception has contributed to an increase in promiscuity, and corresponding increase in diseases, loss of courtship, increase in illegitimacy (some say contraception fights this, but contraception paved the way for an explosion in out-of-marriage sex), etc. etc. etc.
The former Pope was correct when he predicted that contraception would result in an increase in women being treated as objects. When people perceive there are no consequences to sex (note: perceive, there are always consequences, it is just that pregnancy is the one they think of most), they are more careless about who they sleep with, and when they sleep with them. As a male, I was promiscuious a decade ago in college (I’m not proud of that)…let’s just say that condoms and birth control removed what would have been a natural deterent, and I’m guessing many men would be the same way. Especially younger men have strong sexual desires, and when left unchecked they can be disastrous.
I won’t say much on the female perspective, since I don’t know it. I’m guessing, however, that fear of pregnancy is a powerful behavior check there too.