Britain could allow premature babies to die

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These people are NUTS! Britain wants to use Holland as a benchmark for allowing children to die…
Expert says death to the too young

Unbelievable, they actually think that keeping people alive is a “competition”?

It would be terrible if they used the learnings of saving premature children to become better at it, huh? Given this method of thinking, modern medicine would have been held in check decades ago. How much trouble was heart surgery for those who survived it at first? Sheesh.
The culture of death is declaring war on humanity,either we are going to fight it or we are in trouble:nope:
I work in special ed preschool where many children have been saved due to modern medicine. Many have been delayed in one or more areas of development. I have met many parents over my 15 years of teaching and not a one has wished their child wasn’t born. I have met some parents that have adopted several special needs children. I have met many parents that give so much of themselves to help their child learn in the best way that they can and it is beautiful. I have met grandparents that have taken over the raising of the special needs child due to circumstances. I pray for my students families because they have some very real difficulties. It is not easy, but every life has God given value.

I do not think that the medical community should ever give up on life.
if the british do that i’ll bomb each and every one of their abortion clinics! in the night… when no ones watching… or around… so those babies dont die… yeah… i dont wanna kill those babies…
so ill do it in the night…
divine apostle:
if the british do that i’ll bomb each and every one of their abortion clinics! in the night… when no ones watching… or around… so those babies dont die… yeah… i dont wanna kill those babies…
so ill do it in the night…
Ok, I understand the sentiment, but bombing clinics is wrong too!
FWIW this is not simply a product of the culture of death but also of socialized, government controlled healthcare. There is a very good paper by the Cato Institute regarding these systems and the conclusion is that if government controls healthcare there will be rationing, long waits and the tiering of needs based on perceived usefulness of the patient. IOW a thirty year old father would be considered more worthy of care than a preemie or elderly person.

They are simply using the culture of death to justify what is very likely an economic decision.

Lisa N
I saw this on EWTN. It was said that their reasons for this is “So society can save money” (not a direct quote, but that is the gist of what they said), You could see the absolute shock in the reporters eyes.
OK folks, this is being discussed over here but it isn’t policy or practice (yet). The ‘baby Wyatt’ case is still very much unusual and almost, a ‘one-off’.

Some of us are on the case, lobbying our Member’s of Parliament, the National Health Service, the British Medical Association, the Royal College of Nursing and so on. We have SPUC (Society for Protection of Unborn Child) and other Pro-Life movements here and we are all lobbying like mad.

Divine Apostle: you are confused. This isn’t about abortion clinics per se, but of babies born early, particularly at the (about) 22 week point when modern medical science can keep them alive whereas, in the past, the child would have died.

It is despicable that we should be even having this debate but… there you go. It is all part of the Culture of Death which people in this country are buying into more and more. Lonevoice has a good link to the Charlotte Wyatt website and you can go visit and see some of the issues for yourself. It is just so crass to use the situation in Holland as any sort of ‘ethical’ yardstick. Sadly, the government, people and medics of that country seem to have given up on God entirely.

The Blair government has ‘spun’ this issue so that it appears to be one about the public cost of healthcare. They are doing it with all groups; from ‘premmy’ babies right through to the elderly. They feel they will garner more public support that way, while also avoiding the (for them) pain of getting into placing this issue where it properly belongs; an issue of morality and ethics. The doctors don’t like discussing it on moral grounds either; they also prefer to keep it to the anodyne level of health care costs.

In case they hadn’t got it. The issue is murder, dummies! Making the choice (wilfully and in full knowledge) to restrict or deny medical treatment is murder. Or you can use the fancy term: ‘Euthenasia’ but murder it is.

I think that we in the West (and I include you guys over the pond there) need to re-examine our attitude to the medical profession, and demand changes to the training that doctors (especially) receive. Because it seems to me that we have put far too much faith and power into their hands and made doctors think they are Gods for real. We need to ensure that our medics get at least some education in ethics and morality because it seems to me that they no longer do get this (name removed by moderator)ut.

BTW: thanks to Lonevoice for the link. I am surprised though. Over here the Children Act forbids the identification of children involved in any court case but especially one like her parent’s are involved in. So, surprised by the website not only identifying but containing photos. It doesn’t make it anymore lawful if the child’s own parents do it.
Hi Clive. Over here in the Troo North we have a legal term called ‘withholding the necessities of life.’ We most frequently hear of this in cases of babies neglected by their parents or guardians and the Children’s Aid is always involved. I haven’t looked up the statutes yet, but that’s my general impression. Looks to me that officials can withhold necessities but ordinary citizens cannot.

All of these life-death issues have the thread of cult membership in them. If you belong to a certain strata of society, then you are in and if you don’t, then you’re not in. ‘In’ makes you a potential consumer of harvested human body parts and ‘out’ makes you a forced contributor of human body parts.

The Culture of Death goes on and on about the expense of health care and how there isn’t enough to go around. Yet the pharmaceutical companies are making money hand over fist, marketing and selling substances (and a mentality) which profits from keeping people sick. Alternative health care is an orphaned cousin in comparison. More money should be invested in helping human beings live healthy lives physically, emotionally, socially, and morally.
I saw this on EWTN. It was said that their reasons for this is “So society can save money” (not a direct quote, but that is the gist of what they said), You could see the absolute shock in the reporters eyes.
This is the same conclusion that I have come to. It’s all about MONEY.😦
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