British Abortion Practitioner Who Nearly Killed Woman Can Keep Practicing

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:bigyikes: This guy should be in jail:
British Abortion Practitioner Who Nearly Killed Woman Can Keep Practicing
by Steven Ertelt Editor
January 13, 2006

**Birmingham, England ( – **A British abortion practitioner who nearly killed a woman in a botched abortion and was the subject of sexual harassment complaints from 35 women can keep his practicing medicine. That’s the ruling of the General Medical Council, which did not sit well with the women involved.

Andrew Gbinigie was found guilty of professional misconduct at a GMC hearing in 2004 regarding a botched abortion. He pulled out a woman’s ovary and part of her bowel during a November 2000 abortion in Birmingham.

Full Story
I guess abortion doctors are a protected group in England.

WanderAimlessly said:
:bigyikes: This guy should be in jail:I guess abortion doctors are a protected group in England.


Oh, but don’t you know, according to the pro-abortion crowd, abortion is a perfectly safe minor procedure!!!
mary bobo:
Oh, but don’t you know, according to the pro-abortion crowd, abortion is a perfectly safe minor procedure!!!
True, but doctors also watch each others backs. The good ol’ boy network. This isn’t suprising at all because of the abortion industry and because how doctors operate in protecting each other.
And yet, the abortion industry claims to be so pro-woman. :rolleyes: Nearly kill a woman, harass many other women…yup, that’s pro-woman all right! :rolleyes:
Mom of one:
And yet, the abortion industry claims to be so pro-woman. :rolleyes: Nearly kill a woman, harass many other women…yup, that’s pro-woman all right! :rolleyes:
Two victims for the price of one:mad:

Yes, we have to understand that the fact that he provides abortions outweighs all the anti-woman stuff he does and makes him a hero, not a perverted murderer. :rolleyes:
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