British appeals court has reversed lower court ordering disabled woman to abort child

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This is disturbing. How can a judge force the murder of someone’s child against their own will. Lord have mercy on us all. The Mother of God is weeping tears.

“If they persecute me, they will persecute you also”. John 15:20.
Eternal Father, I offer you the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of your dearly beloved son, Our Lord, Jesus Christ, in atonement for our sins and those of the whole world.
me neither, in fact, I am sadly not surprised no matter where it happens these days, the world seems to be getting crazier by the day
The next step in eugenics. Parents can choose to abort if they don’t like something about the baby in the womb. Now the state in this case can force an abortion because it doesn’t like something about the mother.
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It reminds me of Buck vs. Bell, the quintessential pro-eugenics Supreme Court decision that sentenced Carrie Buck to be sterilized because, to quote Justice Holmes, “Three generations of imbeciles is enough.” If that doesn’t make you shudder, consider that the decision has never been formally reversed!
It goes without saying that a woman with the intelligence of a six to nine year old can’t care properly for a baby. And the mother was unable to prevent her daughter’s pregnancy, so giving her the added burden of a baby likely wouldn’t turn out well.

If the court can order the woman to have an abortion, couldn’t they just take the baby away from both of them at birth, and give the woman counselling for her loss?
They don’t actually believe that, otherwise they wouldn’t believe in forced vaccinations either.
@blackforest I notice they say ‘termination’ not ‘abortion’. Is that the latest bit of doublethink?
And why can’t they let her give birth and then have the child given to someone else to raise?
Eternal Father, I offer you the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of your dearly beloved son, Our Lord, Jesus Christ, in atonement for our sins and those of the whole world.
Repeated, and I will pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy for this woman and her baby.
I invite others to pray the Chaplet or the Rosary for them.
At this rate they may as well go ahead and sterilize all mentally disabled people in the UK. A lot easier than having to take each one to court in case of pregnancy…
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