Britney Spears, Lance Armstrong & Kwame

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Yes, weird topic.

Is anyone else noticing…and getting ANNOYED by the media’s complete lack of respect for marriage, as evidenced by their adoring treatment of these stars???

Britney Spears is engaged to marry one of her backup dancers. I can’t even remember his name. All I do remember is that he and his girlfriend already have a child, and she is like 8 (maybe now it’s 9) months pregnant with their second child. He moved OUT of the place he had with this woman and their child and child-on-the-way to marry Britney. Does no one in the media find this repulsive??? I read some interview somewhere where he said something like “Oh, I’ve been in love with Britney for a long time, and I am sure that’s she’s “the one”.” Why did the reporter not then say–well, then what are ya doing with a baby on the way with someone else??? The fawning over everything Britney makes me gag.

Lance Armstrong, an athlete I very very much admire, has divorced his wife and left his three kids. All the media says is “Lance was greeted at today’s finish line with a sweet reward indeed (a kiss) from his rocker-girlfriend Sheryl Crow.” They made little or no mention of Kristen, his wife, who stood by him through the rough times, the cancer treatments, three kids and the road back to success. I guess since she wasn’t a rock star, they didn’t need to mention her name at all. Now, it’s half the story…Lance took the overall lead today, and his rocker-girlfriend Sheryl Crow was following his every move. Grrrr.

Kwame, the runner-up to last year’s Apprentice with Donald Trump, was a smart guy. I liked him. We don’t have cable, and I found this show pretty fun to watch. I was rooting for Kwame until the show where he talked about his life. HE said something like “yeah, I’ve been married for three years, but I filed for divorce last year because I’m an avowed skirt chaser, and there’s way too many beautiful women out there for me to limit myself to just one.” People magazine named him one of their most beautiful people. Ugh.

I don’t get cable tv, and I barely watch what’s on now. Every time I turn it on, or walk past a checkout line in the grocery store, I am just annoyed. Does no one in the media think these “celebrities” behavior is pathetic?

Or is it just me? 😉
You are not alone. But you have to know that the media has no morals or integrity whatsoever, of course they have no respect, there only intention is to sell! that is it. Plus I remember how the media use to make a big hoopla about Liz Taylor marriages? yep, is still the same. I do not judge anymore just ignore…
Good post.

Those with a well-formed conscience can recognize the media’s anticipated response… no, *complicity * in all this. Every major institution has been infiltrated and changed from within, including education, government, entertainment, the courts, and so on. The only institution still standing is family, which is being torn apart by easy divorce, abortion, contraception, gay marriage, life partnerships, etc.

We should expect the assault on family to only intensify.
Reminds me of a few years ago when Julie Roberts married a man who left his wife for her.

I personally dont’ think I would want someone who would do such a thing. What’s to stop him from leaving me???

I looked around and there are some celebs who stay married. Rocker Jon Bon Jovi married his high school sweetheart and said he was proudest of the fact that he didn’t ‘trade her in’ for a new model’ Same for Bono of the Band U2. He said something kind of funny…supper models would come onto him but they would stop as soon as they met his wife. I know she is very pretty but what kind of vibes was she sending out? Hands off MY man? 😃 😃

dream wanderer
If these so-called celebrities are the role models for our children, this country is indeed in bad shape. We used to have a priest that said that a lot of the entertainers are living like animals. Well, I disagree with that. I think most animals are more loyal to their mate than we are. As time goes on, I watch less and less tv, because it makes me mad everytime I turn it on.
I agree with you, I’m very disgusted with Lance Armstrong and I’m very disgusted with how the media just goes on and on about all the good things and yes beating cancer I applaud him for that but not giving that same 100% to his marriage I am very disgusted with him for that, why could he not have given his all to his marriage? Because he is obsessed with his career and from watching him and interviews he has done, being number one in biking is first with him, it eats at him, he must be number one and anything else falls second to that, I ache for his wife and children.

Kwame, I did not know he said that but that is just Horrid and on t.v. no less, yuck.

Britney, well, what can I say, I can’t stand her and I everytime she does something wacky I let my daughter know as my daughter had celebrity worship towards Britney but when she started to see all the sinful things she has been up to it really turned her off to Britney and now she is “praying that Britney will see the light” hey, she’s only 11 years old 😃

On the bright side, Mel Gibson has been married for a very long time to the same woman as have many celebrities, of course we don’t hear as much about them as they are considered too boring for the media lime light :eek:
kamz, well said 👍

Regarding Lance, it seems like he is indeed obsessed with his cycling career. But he is like the typical workaholic. They all put their work/career ahead of family and perhaps even God. But, we don’t really know what goes on inside other’s heads or their relationships, so I wouldn’t be too quick to criticize Armstrong. Seems like I have seen some Scripture passages about not judging others 🙂

Kwame—We don’t watch network TV. Way too much junk! We do have satellite for EWTN, Discovery etc… Actually, there is better programming alternatives on cable/satellite than on the big networks!

Britney–kamz said it all!
One more thing, the media, whether it be tv, radio, or magazines, always focus on the weird, the sensational, the liberal, and the just plain disgusting. You seldom see or read about anything else. There are plenty of good marriages and good people in the world, but they just don’t make money for the media. If you look close enough, there is money behind just about everything these days. Thank God, our kids are raised.
Why should the media surprise us? As a holy priest told me, “Do not be mad at the pagans. They are only doing what pagans do.” Look at everything on tv today. When was the last show that held to the sanctity of marriage? Better yet, what was the last show that did not feature at least one illicit relationship for which there were no consequinses? I am not sure if I know the answer.
I remember Lance doing a cancer treatment ad with his family a few years ago. groan…
Glad you explained who Kwame was. I had no idea.

Here is what Brent Bozell said today on this very topic:

I think you are right on target. Our popular culture is a sewer of self-absorption and self-gratification.

The Lance Armstrong situation is particularly distressing because he does have a background of defying odds, pushing himself for excellence, etc.

My husband was talking with the kids the other day, making the distinctions between being a celebrity, being a role model and being a hero.

Shaquille O’Neal is a celebrity. Dr. Rice is a role model. Pat Tillman is a hero.
obviously someone is against my personal opinion as I was left scathing feedback but of course that person would not leave their name, oh, well, I never said these people were perfect or that I was, I’m just stating my opinion and I think these people are making very sad choices in their lives.
In regards to Lance Armstrong who I happen to be a big fan of, let me first say that I too lost some respect for him when he divorced his wife Kristen. I would like to point out, however, for those who have never read his books some interesting information. First of all, Kristen is catholic. Second of all, these two shacked up for several months before being married. Third of all, she became pregnant through the use of IVF due to Lance being sterile from the cancer treatments. He made a deposit at a sperm bank in San Antonio prior to these treatments. Fourth of all, the divorce was a mutual thing. They both agreed to it and as far as whats been written about it, it would appear they both wanted it. So to say he left his wife would not be accurate. And fifth, someone mentioned that she stood by him through all of his treatments. Not true. They didn’t meet until after his treatments were over. My point is simply this, the blame can’t be put entirely on his shoulder’s. And as far as p(name removed by moderator)ointing him in all this remember one thing, apperantly his wife had no problems going aganst the teaching of her own church with the living together and the IVF. So if we’re going to talk about a person, let’s be fair and talk about both sides. Let’s also not forget that these two underwent months of marriage counseling before settling on a divorce. So it’s not like they both woke up one day and said,“Hey let’s get a divorce!”

As far as the press, I don’t think it is fair to blame what they say on Lance. Lance is only doing what he does. Cycling is his profession. And so what that he has a girlfriend. Now as far as Britney Spears and anyone else is concerned, all I can say is what a waste of forum space to even mention them here.
If these so-called celebrities are the role models for our children, this country is indeed in bad shape. We used to have a priest that said that a lot of the entertainers are living like animals. Well, I disagree with that. I think most animals are more loyal to their mate than we are. As time goes on, I watch less and less tv, because it makes me mad everytime I turn it on.
It is very unfortunate that athletes and entertainers - two groups that are most highly exposed to the temptations of the devil - are often the only role models are children are exposed to on a frequent basis.

Our 13 year-old daughter and 11 year-old son still look up to us as their role-models, something I find very humbling and sobering. My 6 year-old wants to be a soccer coach. My 4 year-old wants to be a Pokemon trainer…

Er… we’re working on that… 🙂
I understand celebrities have freedom of choice, and they, like we, make bad ones.

I take issue with the media interviewing them: ooh, ahh, ohh, can’t wait for the wedding, blah blah blah. Ignoring the glaring immorality.

I want to hear an interviewer say: “so, was it hard to leave your kids behind, especially that brand new baby, for this new relationship?” I want someone to say: “so, how’s your wife feel about your chronic skirt-chasing?”

The media is all about freedom of speech, but they really don’t exercise it much. I’d like to see someone SPEAK OUT about the obvious here!

I got some scathing feedback too. Very curious about that! :hmmm: If someone takes issue with my thread, please, by all means, POST here and express yourself instead of giving everyone a negative reputation!
In regards to Lance Armstrong who I happen to be a big fan of, let me first say that I too lost some respect for him when he divorced his wife Kristen. I would like to point out, however, for those who have never read his books some interesting information. First of all, Kristen is catholic. Second of all, these two shacked up for several months before being married. Third of all, she became pregnant through the use of IVF due to Lance being sterile from the cancer treatments. He made a deposit at a sperm bank in San Antonio prior to these treatments. Fourth of all, the divorce was a mutual thing. They both agreed to it and as far as whats been written about it, it would appear they both wanted it. So to say he left his wife would not be accurate. And fifth, someone mentioned that she stood by him through all of his treatments. Not true. They didn’t meet until after his treatments were over. My point is simply this, the blame can’t be put entirely on his shoulder’s. And as far as p(name removed by moderator)ointing him in all this remember one thing, apperantly his wife had no problems going aganst the teaching of her own church with the living together and the IVF. So if we’re going to talk about a person, let’s be fair and talk about both sides. Let’s also not forget that these two underwent months of marriage counseling before settling on a divorce. So it’s not like they both woke up one day and said,“Hey let’s get a divorce!”

As far as the press, I don’t think it is fair to blame what they say on Lance. Lance is only doing what he does. Cycling is his profession. And so what that he has a girlfriend. Now as far as Britney Spears and anyone else is concerned, all I can say is what a waste of forum space to even mention them here.
I’m just as unhappy that Lance’s wife ageed to undergo ivf and I’m very unhappy that they were willing to settle on a mutual divorce, marriage is forever, is it sometimes very, very hard? You bet it is but you just don’t walk away, there is no excuse to walk away unless there is physical or emotional abuse that can’t be stopped, I’ve read Lance Armstrong’s book, who was the one who was there 100% during his cancer? His wife. I was watching an interview last week and Lance himself said he doesn’t believe God saved him from the cancer, he said he “Lance Armstrong” made the decision to fight and live, he said he takes that credit and credits the doctors and treatments and his own will power he does not give any of the glory to God, that, is a very, very sad statement and my heart sunk to my toes when Lance said that, I was very sad to hear that. Yep, there is always plenty of blame to go around but Lance is not someone I look up to or want my children to look up to, I’m glad he beat cancer but it is very sad he credits everybody but God. 😦
HE said something like “yeah, I’ve been married for three years, but I filed for divorce last year because I’m an avowed skirt chaser, and there’s way too many beautiful women out there for me to limit myself to just one.” People magazine named him one of their most beautiful people. Ugh.

Or is it just me? 😉
I don’t watch much but I watched The Apprentice. What you quoted was the EXACT turning point in my admiration of Kwame. Once I heard him speak those words (and you were** very** close!) I stopped rooting for him. It was like a smack in the face. I couldn’t believe those words were darting from his sweet mouth. Shame on Kwame.

I wonder if that had anything to do with the don’s decision. I personally wouldn’t vote for a “skirt chaser”. For shame.
I don’t think it would affect the Don’s decision as he is getting married for the 3rd time to a woman young enough to be his daughter and carried on an affair with Marla Maples while still married to his first wife Ivana :eek:
I don’t think it would affect the Don’s decision as he is getting married for the 3rd time to a woman young enough to be his daughter and carried on an affair with Marla Maples while still married to his first wife Ivana :eek:
Perhaps not. Then again, maybe he holds his employees to a higher standard.
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