Broken heart to the extreme; what to do?

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Hello all,

I’ve come to a new emotional low. I’m hurt, angry, frustrated, depressed, etc. and I can’t remember the last time I’ve felt this bad. Let me explain–I’m a college student studying music at a small private university, which I transferred to. I’m now in my 6th year of undergrad.

Over the course of my studies, I came to meet the most wonderful lady I’ve ever known–she was perfect for me in every way, or so I thought. Upon getting to know her, I had come to think–foolishly, perhaps–that maybe God had brought me to this new school so that I could meet her and eventually marry her. And as a result of this, I began to put up with a lot of mistreatment from my major department in hopes that it would be “worth the pain” in order to be with this girl. But it is not so. She’s with someone else.

And now, I can clearly see how badly this school treats me, and how I really don’t belong here. I can’t concentrate, I can’t study, I can’t go to class without being absolutely angry at the whole system. I have no close friends there. And what’s more, my home life isn’t exactly peachy keen either. I’m very tempted right now to take the rest of the year off as a breather, get a job and an apartment, and spend some time getting my life back in gear.

So I guess my big question is–does this sound like a reasonable thing to do? Or, is it just my broken heart talking? Thanks so much. Peace,

Stick it out and finish. Once you leave it is so hard to go back. This is a great time to focus on God. Lean on him for your peace. If school was totaly 100 percent horrible then not even she could make that change. Good time for the rosary and adoration maybe?

Sometimes we want our “dream” to come true so badly that we can’t see all the “red flags” that could have helped us not get into a sad situation.

Don’t quit! Six years? Why so long? Get with it, study and get on with life. I think that God knows you are not ready for marriage, and perhaps the young lady knew that too. You need to finish school,get your career going and then find Miss Wonderful.

My son is a music teacher, he loves his profession. He is married and has a beautiful family. His love of music is passed to his children, they are all talented. Their home is full of music. I am telling you this so that you will get with it so that you can make a home such as this. There are no short cuts.

Thank God for the talent He has loaned you and praise Him with every note.

Love and peace

Mom of 5
God has a plan for you - my advice would be not to do anything until you have prayed very hard that He reveal that plan to you, so you have some conviction in a path to take. He may want you at that school for some reason you do not know yet. You should only leave because your path takes you away, not just for a “breather”, as important as we all know that is.

Good luck and God bless you, I’ll say prayers for you that God reveals His plan to you!
If God brought you to it, He will get you through it.

Your broken heart is getting the best of you - so you need to lean on God and give it all over to Him. I do not suggest you take time off.

He does have a plan and maybe right now, it is to strengthen your prayer life and relationship with Him. So use this time and pray hard for His will to be revealed to you for direction.

Go to frequent mass, adoration and say the rosary. You will eventually find the peace of mind, heart and spirit that He promises to give you when you put your trust in Him.

There were days when I would just sit and cry from my broken heart. All I could do over and over was to ask the Holy Spirit to take my pain as an offering and repeat the words, “Jesus I trust in you”.

I will add you to my prayers.
One of the reasons I like the Spirituality forum is that everyone is so supporitve and rarely do they point fingers…everyone so far has given you great advice espically praying and trusting in Jesus to help you answer your questions…however, no matter how much time you have left in school, sometimes you just need a mental break to rest and refocus. I think taking sometime off school might be the thing to do. Pray for direction to help make this descision… also you may want to find a spiritual director at your local church and see if they can help you.
good luck Chirs.
Everyone, your prayers and advice have been invaluable. I went to daily Mass today (for the first time in weeks) and it made me realize how meaningless all these emotions are. Sometimes, I just fall to frustrations and can’t get back up again without prayers and support, such as that which you’ve generously offered. After only one day I’m feeling almost back to normal. I’m staying in school. Thank you so much.

Spend time in the Presence of Christ (Eucharistic Adoration).

Hand over your pain, anger, frustration, heartbreak to Him.

Release your mind of all the negatives and allow yourself to feel His Presence.

He will comfort and guide you.

You can trust in that.

We humans are not comfortable ‘letting go’ so it’ll probably take several visits with Christ until you’re able to fully release the negatives in your life to him. But trust me, it gets easier with each visit. If need be give him one of your problems with each visit then sit and listen (not with your ears, but with your heart).

May the peace of Christ be with you now, and always.

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