I have finally come to the realization that my brother has Antisocial Personality Disorder. Long story short: he had a history of lying and stealing since childhood; he failed out of college but didn’t let my parents know; got married and stole my father’s identity to pay for his family needs; he has never called my parents when they were ill (only to ask for money; which they gave him); he has a history of quitting jobs and is now living in Florida and teaches but can’t afford rent. He lives in his truck. His wife calls me to ask for my (name removed by moderator)ut. I have made it clear that I cannot support him. I live with my mother who also has some mental health issues. What do I do? I am torn with grief over his situation; I’m told he “hates” me. I haven’t really talked to him much in 25 years. As a Catholic and someone who feels for him (the poor; needy), what can I possibly do?