Brown Scapular Help

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I have some questions reguarding a brown scapular someone gave me yesterday.
  1. Don’t I have to get a priest to place it on me while saying something (a marian prayer)?
  2. I know the scapular points to a christian truth, and therefore it is accepted by the Church, but…does the Church endorse the vision story for its existence?
  3. Are the scapulars that aren’t O.L. of Mt. Carmel any less holy?
-Thanks and God’s peace!
I have some questions reguarding a brown scapular someone gave me yesterday.
  1. Don’t I have to get a priest to place it on me while saying something (a marian prayer)?
  2. I know the scapular points to a christian truth, and therefore it is accepted by the Church, but…does the Church endorse the vision story for its existence?
  3. Are the scapulars that aren’t O.L. of Mt. Carmel any less holy?
-Thanks and God’s peace!
It is the Scapular of OL of Mt Carmel that has the famous promise of eternal life attached to it. You need a Priest to preset it to you. Heres a ceremony that comes on a pamphlet with it usually.

Show us, O Lord, your mercy R And grant us your salcation
Lord hear my prayer R and let my cry come unto you
The Lord be with you RAnd also with you

Let us pray
Lord Jesus Christ, Saviour of the human race, with your own hand sanctify + this habit which your servant is to wear for the love of your Virgin Mother Mary of Mt Carmel. Through the prayer of that holy Mother Mary may he (she) who wears it be protected from his (her) soul’s enemy and remain in your grace until death. Who live and reigh forever.
R Amen

He sprinkles the habit with holy water then clothes each person saing “Take this holy habit. Ask the blessed Virgin that through her merits you may wear it and never dishonour it; that it may keep you from all evil and bring you to life everlasting.”
R Amen.
then he says
Using the Power given to me, I make you a sharer in all the spiritual good works which, by the mercy of Jesus Christ, the Religious of Mt Carmel shall ever do. In the name of the Father, and of the Son + and of the Holy Spirit.
R Amen
May almighty God bless you + He who made heaven and earth and now numbers you among the Confraternity of Our Lady of Mt Carmel. Of her we ask that you come to die, she will crush the head of the serpent of old; that your birthright, the palm of victory and the crown of glory may be yours forever. Thrugh Christ Our Lord.

The one receiving the scapular is sprinkled with holy water. To bless the habit only, the vesicles and the first prayer are used.

I have been enrolled in the Brown Scapular since the National Scout Jamboree, and have done some reading about it. Here’s what I know

Question 1 has already been answered by twistedseraph.

As for Question 2: The apparition of Our Lady of Mount Carmel is an approved apparition of the Church. You can find more about it here

And Question 3: I’m not sure if you mean scapulars other than the Brown Scapular or Brown Scapulars with images other than that of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. Other scapulars certainly wouldn’t be considered “more holy” or “less holy,” but since the scapular is a private devotion, you should look at which of the scapulars best fits your particular devotional needs. For more information about the Brown Scapular and others, go to

If by question 3 you meant a Brown Scapular with or without the image of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, there is no prescribed image for the Brown Scapular. You may get them with the images of saints, crosses, or other designs.

I hope this helps.

Dominus Vobiscum
I have an issue with making a statement like “I’m putting all my trust in Mary for my salvation.”
I have an issue with making a statement like “I’m putting all my trust in Mary for my salvation.”
Our trust is in Jesus. Mary is however our Patroness, you’re consecrating yourself to her and as such she would plead for you at the hour of death. Ie check out the hail mary, Holy Mary mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death, amen.
Thanks guys. I understand the idea that you consecrate yourself to Mary so that she will pray for you at the time of your death, but here is my concern…
  1. What is the “Sign of Salvation” the front of the scapular talks of?
  2. Papal decree states that we can trust in this, but what if the vision never happened? Then how could Mary promise such things?
I have a brown scapular, it sits in my dresser because until now I had no idea what it was! But I have no knowledge to the effect that it was presented to me by a priest. Does this mean I could still wear it? But maybe I should know what the significance of the scapular is beforehand?
St.Curious said:
3. Are the scapulars that aren’t O.L. of Mt. Carmel any less holy?

On a related question, what happens if someone who wears the brown scapular and is enrolled later becomes an OCDS?

I am a Lay Carmelite, Ancient Observance, so I will try to answer your questions.
Thanks guys. I understand the idea that you consecrate yourself to Mary so that she will pray for you at the time of your death, but here is my concern…
  1. What is the “Sign of Salvation” the front of the scapular talks of?
It is the scapular itself that is the “sign of salvation”. All that means is that by wearing the scapular you promise to live your life in fulfillment of your baptismal vows. I.e., that you will live as a faithful Catholic with the intercession and help of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, which will bring you to salvation.
  1. Papal decree states that we can trust in this, but what if the vision never happened? Then how could Mary promise such things?
The vision is not the important part of this, really. The scapular is the habit of the Carmelite Order, not merely another sacramental. So, by wearing it we are dedicating ourselves to live according to Carmelite spirituality, such as St. Therese of Lisieux’s “Little Way”, etc. The promise made to St. Simon Stock comes down to us as an oral tradition. If it was originally written down in a formal way it was probably destroyed when Henry VIII razed the friary at Aylesford, England. However, the Vatican has approved this vision, so it is valid. In any case, since Mary is the patroness of Carmel, wearing her habit makes us her clients, so she cares for us by spreading “the mantle of her special protection” over us.
I have a brown scapular, it sits in my dresser because until now I had no idea what it was! But I have no knowledge to the effect that it was presented to me by a priest. Does this mean I could still wear it? But maybe I should know what the significance of the scapular is beforehand?
If you don’t understand why you were given a scapular, you probably weren’t enrolled in it by your priest. So, if you want to wear it as a sign of your devotion to Jesus through Mary, simply take it to your priest and he will enroll you.
On a related question, what happens if someone who wears the brown scapular and is enrolled later becomes an OCDS?
Lay Carmelites all receive a “ceremonial scapular” that is 8" by 8" to be worn at Carmelite meetings, Masses and other Carmelite ceremonies. By receiving the ceremonial scapular those already enrolled would be received into the Order as a postulant of the Lay Order.
St.Curious said:
3. Are the scapulars that aren’t O.L. of Mt. Carmel any less holy?

No, they just mean different things. Besides the brown, I also wear the blue (Immaculate Conception) and the Red (Passion).

Here’s a link that will tell you about all the different ones:
I have a brown one too, but I was never enrolled . . . my parents gave it to me for Christmas a long time ago.
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