My spiritual director is unavailable until later this week. I love my God and His Church. Sometimes I feel a strong pull to be a priest. But I suffer from many emotional problems. There is a kind of peace I do feel at the thought of offering the Mass but have I confused this with zeal? I am seeing a wonderful woman (also Catholic) who I love very much. As of late we have been discussing the possibility of marriage. I want her as my bride. She is very patient and sweet. She is so good to me. I pray God’s will be done of course, but what I want is to marry her so we can have a family and help get each other to Heaven. Yet, I experience coincidences that make me worry I’ll have to give her up. Example: I met my friend at the mall the other day. As we hung out I felt a deep yearning to pray. Just a potent desire to leave and be in God’s presence. Maybe I’m supposed to be a priest, I thought. Not half an hour later my friend asked me if my girlfriend and I had kept our chastity. I told him yes. He responded. “Impressive. Maybe you should be wearing a collar.” I admit there is something peaceful about being a priest, but I want my darling girlfriend to be my wife. I will discuss this with my spiritual director when he is back but this has me rather upset. Does this sound like a priestly vocation? I will do whatever God wants, but I pray priesthood isn’t it.