Byzantine Catholic Saints

  • Thread starter Thread starter Krisdun
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I was wondering if anyone knows of any Byzantine Catholic saints, in particular those that lived quite recently (i.e. in the last 200 years or so)?
Blessed Theodore Romzha and Bishop Basil Hopko come immediately to mind. Both lived under Communist rule. There’s also Met. Andrew Sheptytsky, whose cause I believe is open right now.
Blessed Tarsykia. Like her Patron St. Tarcisius, she died defending the Blessed Sacrament (iirc, she was shot at the chapel door).

Blessed Vasyl Velychovsky. His shrine is in Canada:

Blessed Paul Gojdich. He asked God that 1) he could receive Holy Communion before he died and 2) that he would die on his birthday. God heard him because that’s what happened. He died on his birthday after receiving Holy Communion one last time.
I’m not exactly sure what you mean when you say Byzantine Catholic, a lot of times that’s used as shorthand for Ruthenian Byzantine in the US, but assuming you mean Byzantine Rite, so like Ruthenian Byzantine Catholic, Melkite Greek Catholic, Ukrainian Greek Catholic, there are more than a few Martyrs that qualify. Especially under communism.
I think you meant to reply to the OP instead. I posted 3 Blesseds - 2 UGCC & 1 BC.
Silly me. I forgot to mention; Ven. Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen was bi-ritual with faculties in the Byzantine (I believe Melkite) tradition. Does that count?
Thank you. yes these are the ones I am interested in to find more about!
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